
Tangent, but I find BrewWorks beer to be ungodly bad now. I don't know what they've done the past year or two, but they haven't been able to do it for me at all like they used to. Maybe I have been spoiled by the other options that keep popping up.

Although I rarely drink it outside of tailgates and concerts, due to the influx of amazing microbreweries in the Eastern part of the state. (Allentown has Victory, Weyerbacher, Prism, Tröegs, Yards, Triumph, Funk, and a variety of others within an hour's drive)

I'm a Pennsylvanian. Them's fightin' words.

I know they are one of the founding forces of the micro and craftbrew movement, but I don't understand the appeal for Sierra Nevada. All of their beers taste like they use the exact same hop variety, so it really kills the excitement for me.

Yeah, we can get it at my local brew place for a minimum $7. Thanks, Obama!

I brewed my first beer (a hefeweizen) with sorachi ace. It was interesting.

Kirin Ichiban was not mentioned? Although I wholeheartedly agree with you, if only to get a can that is more indestructible than some cold war bunkers.

Wait until the video comes out.

Lithuania over Turkey, what has this world come to?

I like fired up Adam Schefter. I hope this made him snap.


I'd hate to see what would happen if that pitch when he was bunting hit his hand.

On point.

Can't go wrong with some DiNic's either.

Best steaks in the city, if you ask me.

Airwolf comes to mind.

Please tell me that's an MJ lookalike. Hot damn.

Agree with most if not all of the list here, but you def. need to try the other Shiners (they have a mix case here now which is a good selection, and will run about 29). Best cheap-as-shit beer IMO is Genny Bock. You can get a case for 14 here in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


And yet, she does! Could you complete that salmon ladder at 3:30?