
Yeah, I am hoping it will be dropped next season.

Even though it is still early in the season, I wonder if instant replay in baseball has drastically reduced the amount of coach/player ejections. Also I'd like to see if it has helped to speed up play time in some instances due to coaches not throwing 2 minute tantrums.

They were just in my town playing with The Used last night, so yes, very much together.

What are you talking about? That was a perfectly adequate passage of time.

And boom goes the dynamite.

Grown-ups and pirate costumes never mix.

Our softball league was in the fall, so we'd get a lot of guys (in a rec social league) that would play in uber-competitive leagues during the spring and summer that would wind down because no other leagues were playing. We also have no home run limit (dumb) per game, so they'd show up in full baseball attire, jack

I would really bring knowledge to the table, because if you get one thing wrong people will question you about it. If you have a baseball or softball past, use that, but make sure to learn your local club's rule changes, as they can usurp a legitimate rule elsewhere (like infield fly rules).

Well yeah, I'm not saying anything about the competency of the referee, and believe me, I went and checked even official baseball scoring (if I couldn't find a dodgeball decision on a play), but if you have 1 ref and have to make a call on a tag when your view is getting blocked by a player in the infield, people

Yeah I'm 30 and played baseball for 12 years, and I take refereeing/rules very, very seriously. Like I'd even run umpire drills for kickball, haha. That was just one of my responses for the petty arguments that they gave me, sorry if it came out as callous.

Something similar also happened to me a few years back. I also did not get laid, but I did make it on the local news the next week (for unrelated reasons).

Ever read Lord of the Flies? Because I'm pretty sure it would be like that if there wasn't.

Oh hell yeah, playoffs are the worst. I've had people freak out on me over calls like I'm supposed to go back and review it under a hood. I straight up told people to grow up, it's kickball.

I reffed kickball and dodgeball last year. Shit is the worst.

If they won't touch them, are they really beer-o's?

Eff pilsners! Hefeweizens all the way.

Unfortunately, it's Arena Football, so the only camera they can afford is a guy with a cell phone in the nosebleeds. #closeenough

You must be a pirates fan.

WTF is hominy?

You obviously forgot about Ali Farokhmanesh.