
My attempt to appease the interwebs with their unheard calls.


Why is the stroke around the logo not transparent? Argh.

Semi-unrelated, but any d7000 users out there that have focusing issues, particularly in Continuous mode? Always seems to be a slight bit blurry when I focus in, and has a real hard time tracking moving subjects some times, opting for the background a lot. Wondering if I should send it in or if it's just me...

Lord Chesterfield DESTROYS my stomach. But I still drink it.

Can't even get it up here (PA)

Hey, at least you got to enjoy those sweet charades on the bottle caps, amirite?

I lived the High Life, personally.

When I went to Texas, I was most excited to try Shiner for the first time. And I had their seasonal, too. It was honestly amazing, much love.

You should try their Porter straight up if you ever get the chance!

I live in PA, so Yuengling is cheap-o, at least you can find a place having it on special a lot (~$18-20 a case). Bud will run us about 20-23 a case, I believe.

I'll just leave this right here as the worst beer ever.

That shit is nasty. Also check out Boxer if you want to cry.

If you can't find a bar in PA that doesn't have Yuengling being served for less than 3 bucks a pint, you are doing something wrong.

Hell yes, go to Penn State beer.

Ultra costs $24 in these parts for a case, so I can't classify that as a cheap beer.

When I purchase a house, I think I want to furnish my place with Etsy products. Does that make me a tool?

My guilty pleasure is Genny Cream ale. Unfortunately, my friends do not agree with my tasted.

I like the guy who ran on with the gatorade jug, got like 5 feet away, and said, "Fuck it," spraying it on everybody in the nearby vicinity EXCEPT Home Bailey.

WTF is that graphic after the touchdown.