That is gnarly. How could anybody function with that curve, let alone go into battle?!
That is gnarly. How could anybody function with that curve, let alone go into battle?!
Oh, and I guess that's how they found him. Yowch.
I'm sure the severe curve in combination with gravity would eventually affect the growth of bone, no?
I want to see what his back looked like. Did you SEE that scoliosis?
Over/under on the chances that Jim ever talks to John again after that safety?
That's good. +1
Personally, I was disappointed to not find any Glen Davis stories when I clicked the "Toddler on the Field" tag.
Thanks guys!
Shouldn't he have sensed that it wasn't going to go well?
I just started my own business last year (web design), and I basically know nothing when it comes to filing business taxes. Is it a good idea to just pay the X amount of dollars for an accountant, or would something like this be enough? Note: I've tried my best to keep track of my expenses with a separate credit card…
900,000 page views and counting, huh?
Those are some sweet ragdoll physics after contact, dude.
Based on some of the responses.
All 19 rebounds were like taking candy from a Nenê.
wups, forgot the "and" in there :/
@media screen (...) is a glorious thing.
That implies a back-handed motion. This was more of a forceful face caressing.
Being an Eagles fan, I wouldn't mind Lurie investigating his potential as a head coach. About time we had a decent defense again.
Mr. Skin is all over that.