
I see what you did there.


I just bought a 50 f/1.4 yesterday! It doesn't seem like much, but what I shoot primarily right now (social event and games photography such as bar games, candids, etc.) with poor lighting, and my shots are going to love that extra 2/3rds stop. Amazingly I found an open box one on amazon for only 260 with free

I bought a used Nikon 80-200 f/2.8 for 800 and just slap on a 1.4x teleconverter that I got for 200 on the sucker if I need the added distance, then use a 50mm prime for my closer shots which run around 100 bucks. Similar price and covers a majority of the focal lengths.

R&D is not cheap.

Now if only that d600 would come out...

Or at least something similar.

I think this clip was in Food, Inc., if memory serves me correctly.

Thanks guys for the wealth of knowledge!!

I have a legitimate question, because I don't know the first thing about ultrabooks other than they look pretty and are light.

Man, that was such a good Celebrity Deathmatch.

That's awesome.

Just from a curiosity standpoint, what would cause a person to lose consciousness because of this? Is it the sheer pain factor that overwhelms the individual?

No pun intended.

He's our equivalent to Clipper Darrell. He's at every single game, and eats up at least 2 to 4 minutes of jumbotron screen time.

using System;

All that ROI, and you couldn't even bet a full pound?

Magnets, man...

Why are we spending millions of dollars in camouflage technology when we can just cover everything in green?

Pic Related.