
My sincere hope is the site is not just back but returns to some of the former quality and insight that made it a an outsized-pop culture staple. Frankly the site had been in decline for years before its shuttering. I don’t mean to shit on you or any other writers who, I gather, have been working under less-than-ideal

Aaaaaaaand Blackout was all the better without Timbaland. Blackout is her magnum opus as far as I am concerned. No clue what Danja is up to these days, but do they even NEED to be doing anything after helping birth that masterpiece!?

When I was 12, every night for close to two months someone would knock on my bedroom window. It was usually after 11 p.m. and before 2 a.m. and, at the beginning, would wake me from a dead sleep to where I thought I was dreaming. A few times I even heard the knocking in my dreams and then woke up and the knocking was

When my children were small, they used to tell me about the “gnome” or little man that would stick to the shadows of their bedroom. They would see it in the far corner at night, crouched, or moving at the end of the hallway into another room, but always in the peripheral. This is the only house they ever remember

Why is the criminal going unnamed?  I dont understand....why wont they publish his name?  Is this a “dont make him famous”-type refusal, or something police investigation-related?

I’ve yet to see a legitimate reason for why LGBTQ+ people deserve this, or bring this on themselves, or anything else that people claim that we do.

Does Taylor Swift bear any responsibility for her fans encroaching on a friend’s special day?

“Do you have to pay for an amber alert,” “How to take money from register without getting caught,” “Birmingham bus station,” searches for one-way bus tickets to Nashville, and about the 2008 movie Taken.

Ugh! I hate to be such a noodge, but your story today about “Mama Mia” leads with this celebratory headline about how the film “showed us how abolition of the family could change everything.

Nothing she did warranted that response. Stop making excuses for violent reactions. 

I dunno, this is a new century, I’d love to see Swift go after Ticketmaster. When Pearl Jam fought them people were still standing in physical lines for tickets. A lot has changed in 27 years. Besides, what’s ticketmaster gonna do? Refuse to sell tickets to her shows? That’s a great financial decision that will 100%

You spent most of your missive saying why the picture was really a bad thing and barely anything on the ACTUAL crime here. You’re exactly the person OP was talking about.

Your post is bad and you should feel bad.

Sorry but I don’t agree. Every choice we make assumes some risk and responsibility.

What an experience! You should definitely share this again next year. They usually post this sometime during the first week of October.

The Black Dog

Random Handsome Ceramic Loving Man

I used to work in a hotel restaurant in high school. The hotel in question was always rumored to be haunted and I loved ghost stories when I was little, so I jumped at the chance when I saw they were hiring. I pretty easily got hired on as a hostess.

Some observations of themes so far this year:

It’s interesting to me how there are so few creepy actual people or stranger danger stories (don’t worry I saw you Machete Gang and yikes) so I get the vibe that a lot of the commentariat is still not all the way outside. I started an in-person job in April and have had

When my boyfriend and I moved in together in San Francisco, we rented an apartment which was basically half the upstairs of an older home converted into apartments. The other half of the upstairs was another apartment where our landlord, Sue, lived. Sue was an interesting character who at first came off as an angry

“Tales from an ER Laboratory”