
She said something to the affect of her being open to options still whichever route that may be. 

Holy shit that’s terrifying. I see people have mentioned skin walkers and wendigo. Are wendigo the same as the Not Deer that I recently learned about. I hope this doesn’t come across as disrespectful. I just recently found out about them (can’t remember where, maybe here?) and that they are frequently seen in the

This is the most horrifying, not scary story I’ve ever read. My jaw dropped lol 

Fall of 2001 marked the beginning of my Junior year of HS. I was excitedly looking forward to 9/9, my birthday as I would be turning 16. Much like everyone else on the planet, notably the US, I remember every single moment when those 2 planes crashed into the WTC. What I didn’t realize until now, that just like that

user name checks out 

I think it’s that if you’re not a Finley, you know a Finley.

This! I hope she’s able to retire from the industry and enjoy her life in privacy. 

THIS! Exactly this - those who are concerned of her going broke are those who are wanting to funnel her money into their pockets. 

Same - I’m wondering if she has any fans out there? she’s exhausting 

It’s astounding to me the points being made in the comments are mostly like “i understand, BUT” “contracts and obligations” “But you don’t watch sports” so dumb. The point of her signing the contract, not wanting to be held to the obligations and paying the fine are NOT the point. The point she’s making is that the

You seem to care about this more than i do - I’ve seen like 2 things, formed an opinion and shared it. *shrugs 

It could also be based on a lot of his actions that are publicly documented. The little bit I’ve seen of him walking around with Hailey seems very angry and hasty, specifically towards her. He’s closed the door on her, walks ahead of her etc. He does come across as someone who is struggling, individually. 


Although I don’t 100% agree with you on everything, I will say that I’ve been really disappointed with how she’s been handling everything post show. I think it really put the Kandy beef into perspective. I was hoping Iman would be more mature in the end, but I’m honestly proud of Kandy for handling it like she has

I feel like it was really obvious this season. Ru favored Symone from the get, which is fair, but the girl can’t Lip Sync to save anyone’s life. Same for Got Mik and I LOVE LOVE Got Mik. Tamisha was my top girl from the get because she’s an old school Drag Queen that can do it all. These girls are still around out

Also makes sense for plumbing. I’ve lived in plenty of apartments where I could hear the shower going behind my shower wall. 

As a kid in the 90's I remember this song giving me PBS/Sesame Street vibes. As an adult I only relate it to white guys w/ dreads that don’t wear shoes to the pub next door to the random neighborhood headshop. It’s an *aesthetic*. The fact that I can picture this random made up guy drinking his beer with his dirty

Mambo, duh ;) 

Denali killed that lip sync! Made me miss being at the gay bars so bad. I would’ve thrown all of my money at her for that slay. I loved the music choice and wish they’d play more classics like that for the lip sync.

Also really love Tamisha and her choice to watch and take everything in. She’s the perfect contrast to

Ugh effin same. We ordered at 11:12, food showed up at 1:30 and I was a hangry little gremlin.