I mentioned this in a comment that seems to have disappeared. AZ gets it too...it’s laughable.
I mentioned this in a comment that seems to have disappeared. AZ gets it too...it’s laughable.
This article is all too familiar to me...
OH BTW - Fun fact for all you AZ locals - HWY 191 which runs through my hometown (I talk about it in a story i posted on here somewhere), Clifton and Morenci used to be called HWY 666.
YES! That’s def it - however, that video looks like it’s heading from new mexico into mule creek - but just before the switch backs.
YES OMG i didn’t even catch the winterhaven thing. She def meant Summerhaven then.
Also thought about the other locations this car could’ve pulled over at as well.
I live in Tucson and know exactly what she’s talking about. Tucson is exceptionally dark due to the light ordinance but it’s in the desert which is eerie etc etc. What’s crazy though, is that very same thing happened to me and my nephew, but in a different part of the state.
WELL I really had every intention of posting a story this year, but I just got so caught up in reading all the stories everyone posted. Also, I’ve been experiencing weird shit since i was around 6 or 7. Be it from weird apparitions to UFO’s - I got em all.
WELL I really had every intention of posting a story this year, but I just got so caught up in reading all the stories everyone posted. Also, I’ve been experiencing weird shit since i was around 6 or 7. Be it from weird apparitions to UFO’s - I got em all.
Ha! Yes I def know. I will say that this is the least scariest thing to haunt me, but it’s strange af. I have a laundry list of things that have occurred since my childhood, so I will be sure to mention a scary one along with my new goat friend who doesn’t let me or my cat charlie sleep at night because he’s too busy…
I swear my house is being haunted by a goat. It needs to be discussed :P
Honestly, I’m just waiting for the scary stories thread to begin.
She was my first girl crush too! Mannn Deej sucks
His shirt reminds me of Theo’s silk shirt on the Cosbys
WHAT??? I’m SO sad to hear of this news...ughhhh *shakes fists*
AHHH this makes me so happy to hear because I recently started seeing someone and I’ve never been so cautious before. There is something about what we have that makes me want to protect it and keep it off social media completely (i’ve tweeted small things here n there just nothing revealing) but luckily she feels the…
I’m so sorry to hear the loss of your dad. I read that it’s been about 10 years, but I can only assume that it never gets easier. I lost my dad in May and it’s still super fresh for me.
I’m having serious Deja vu. Was this posted last year?
Ahh I get it! I’m the same way when it comes to weird conspiracies.
HAHA weird!!! Jerome and Sedona are creepy. Beautiful, but eerie. I’ve read accounts of people traveling in those areas losing hours of time, unknowingly.
Ahh Sedona - I’m surprised you didn’t see anything there. Northern Arizona is my favorite...by any chance did you venture to Jerome? Place is super chill but kinda creepy.