
Like I said, you don’t have a fucking clue.

Unsurprisingly, she doesn’t at all understand how statistics work.
That’s true of pretty much all conservatives I’ve ever encountered.

I think that would fall under a potential future “UNnatural Disasters” expansion.

If you don’t think that a significant number of the people raising concerns are complaining about actual legitimate careers, then you don’t have the first fucking clue about what’s going on.

Because they have proof that it ISN’T spam/bot subscribers.
There’s PLENTY of proof.
Subscribers themselves getting unsubbed automatically for no reason whatsoever when they do something as trivial as hit Refresh.

Pokemon are monsters (POcKEt MONsters), not animals. They’re not replacements for real animals, and all the real animals(or at least a lot of them) do still exist.

People eat Pokemon and they eat animals.
People are hungry and will eat whatever’s tasty and doesn’t kill them first.


I’d fuck the sense out of 19 year old Carrie Fisher.
So I guess this seems about right.

The available statistics would seem to indicate that you’re in a minority there.
Even in 2008, D2 was the 19th best selling game. And in 2010 supposedly had 11 million active players, and that was JUST on PC, when it was OVER A DECADE old.

*pat pat pat*
Awww... You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Because you CAN.
Because it’s something to try.
It’s a weird new idea to build a character around and see how far you can go with it.
You strap yourself into that rocket and see how far you can fly it.

Yea, some people only played D2 for like 12 years straight. I’m sure eventually they all would’ve gotten bored.
D3.....a lot of people played through it once before they got bored and never properly played through it again.

D3 is just a watered down version of D2 is almost every respect, except for the modern

Artificially enforced “replayability” is not the same as replayability that is inherent to the game structure.
It’s something, but it’s just not as good as it being a natural part of the system.

Clearly you have no idea what you’re talking about. The first two games did it my way.

Those are good mechanics if you’re not a scrub.

It’s NOT.
Why the fuck would you replay the game as a different character build if you can try out every character build on the same playthrough?
There’s ZERO reason to explore the different character possibilities and invest yourself in learning to play a different version of a class if you can just figure out your

Reaper of Souls does nothing to address Diablo 3's core character progression and replayability problems.
Aside from the crap story and the art style that doesn’t fit the series, thos character building and replayability problems are the biggest reasons I’ve given up on D3.

When was the last time EA wasn’t stupid and shitty as fuck?

Witch Doctor is a shitty knock-off Necromancer and Druid hybrid.
So who fucking cares?
The Necromancer will be the first good class in this game.

Now playing

Red looks like he’s continuing to be the monstrous super trainer of the Pokemon world.
I hope he’s the final final boss again.

It most certainly is.
It is the art of the Pokemon TCG Jungle Set Booster Box.