
Jesus fucking Christ....

Psynsa Stark

This doofus is smaller than Storm....
Last I checked, Apocalypse doesn’t tend to be much smaller than Hulk sized. And even when he is, it’s when he’s without his armor, and he’s STILL like 8 feet tall.

Easily one of the greatest shows ever made.

People are like “Star Wars or Star Trek?”, and I’m like “Stargate.”

The Asgard Fleet’s most powerful class of warship, and probably the most powerful warships in all of Stargate.

I do actually hope we get the Clone Saga one day, but we have to build up to it before it can possibly be NOT stupid.
Like...Spider-Man 4 or 5 at the earliest.

Terrible movie, to be sure. But not THIS bad.
This is still WAAAAY better than Catwoman.
I mean, come on, you have Schwarzenegger’s ice puns!
They’re so stupid that they’re kind of awesome. That alone would be enough to put this ahead of Catwoman and Ghost Rider 2.

The fact that you ranked movies below Catwoman is frightening.

This, like Spider-Man 3, is a silly-dumb mess, but like Spider-Man 3 it’s actually still funny to watch.
Actually a better movie than Days of Future Past, because at least it’s not totally illogical and boring on top of being silly and stupid.

Bad movie, but still a lot better than many of the ones you’ve placed above it.
It’s an overstuffed mess, and really silly-dumb, but it’s still technically logical and coherent, and funny to watch.

Everyone whines about Galactus being a cloud, but you know what? I respect it.
They KNEW they couldn’t pull off a 100 foot tall giant man in blue and purple armor with the most ridiculous helmet in the Marvel Universe.
And really, Galactus doesn’t ACTUALLY look like a giant purple armored man. That’s just how humanoids

This movie is MUCH better than the sequel. Like WHOA better.

I literally couldn’t force myself to watch the sequel during a 14 hour plane ride with NOTHING else to do. And that’s despite the fact that I can’t sleep on planes.
I spent most of that time staring at the carpet and seat cover patterns.

It’s not a good movie, but it’s not terrible either.
The single biggest problem is the lack of an actual story, and the desecration of the greatest villain of all time.

They made Doom the villain....because reasons. The other 4 were family, and he had powers too, so that meant it was his job to be the villain???

People say the ending is a mess.....but how is it a mess?
I always hear this, but the only vague answers I ever get is that they wanted a big ninja fight, and that the Silver Samurai wasn’t how he is in the comics. Meanwhile, no ninja in their right mind would fight Wolverine. Aside from being stupid, it’s not a ninja

This might not be comicbook Constantine, but it’s a great movie.
This deserves to be waaaaaaay up the list, somewhere near Hellboy 2.

This movie gets too much crap. It’s not great, but it’s still good.
Kinda like The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2 has a LOT of stuff happening in it that doesn’t really get properly explained until Captain America:The First Avenger.

In fact, the importance of Iron Man 2 just keeps growing and growing all the way up til at

If the soundtrack wasn’t shit and the Daredevil/exktra playground fight wasn’t in it, the Director’s Cut wouldn’t be a bad movie.
The theatrical cut was dumb and kinda nonsensical, AND it had the terrible soundtrack and stupid playground fight....

Terrible trainwreck of a movie. Like The Dark Knight Rises and Days Of Future Past, it’s full of colossal plot holes and stupid, illogical nonsense.
But unlike TDKR and DoFP, The Amazing Spider-Mess 2 still managed to be fun to watch and impressive to look at.

No. This is bad.
This is Marvel’s Catwoman.
Pretty easily the worst Marvel movie.
Worse than Ghost Rider 1 by a HUGE margin.

Severely underrated movie.
Iron Man gets worse on repeat viewings due to jokes losing their punch, but The Incredible Hulk actually gets better and better as you learn to unpack everything that’s going on in this movie, and all of the story that it’s telling you.

This movie kinda went over people’s heads because it came