
This movie was surprisingly good.

Not a great movie, but a great Punisher.
Especially with Dirty Laundry.

If they could snag the rights, I’d love to see Disney reboot The Rocketeer into the MCU. Make him Howard Hughes’ forerunnr to Iron Man.
Let Howard Hughes and Howard Stark be friends and rivals.
Let The Rocketeer go on adventures with Agent Carter, and be part of that early team of SSR Agents and early superheroes.

Decent movie. Terrible Superman movie. Good Dragon Ball Z movie.
This is probably the right place for it.

Deserves to be much higher on the list.
Probably up there with Spider-Man 2.
This is the better Thor movie.

This movie is truly awful, and deserves to go near the bottom of the list.
It’s dumb, makes no logical sense, is full of plotholes you could drive a bus through, and is legitimately pretty boring....
Pretty much all the same types of problems as TDKR.

This movie is truly awful, and deserves to go near the bottom of the list.

15 lbs of movie crammed into a 10 lb package.

This movie was great and is EASILY better than Thor, or X-Men First Class, or Chronicle, or Blade, or Kick-Ass, or or or.

Really, it’s one of the best. It only had a couple flaws - the unneccesary scene with Thor and the Well, and the fact that there’s just SOOOOOO much

Hellboy 3 REALLY REALLY needs to happen.

Thor is one of Marvel’s worst movies.

Still a good movie, but.....just...lots of odd decisions and squadered potential.
The Dark World is the MUCH better Thor movie, and makes use of so much of the stuff that the original movie wasted.

If the “fighting World War 2” montage wasn’t a montage, this would deserve to be near the top of the list.
Them montaging over so much epic stuff was the only disappointing thing about this movie.

Great movie. This might be where this one belongs.

I don’t think you’ve watched this movie recently.
It’s....not good....

Exactly. It DOES improve on the first.
Why is this not ahead of it on the list?

One of the few good X-Men movies, but better than Batman Begins???

Knocked it out of the park with the first movie.

Iron Man’s better than Spider-Man 2 FOR SURE.

Should be #1.
It’s the MCU’s best.

This movie is so god damn good.

Great movie, but several MCU movies are better.

Great movie, but not the best of the MCU.
Winter Soldier should bump this down, And it’s about on par with Iron Man and Guardians Of The Galaxy.