
Ridley Scott and James Cameron need to fuck off to some island together where they can spend the rest of their lives sharing scripts for all these Alien/Avatar sequels nobody’s asking for.

You should call the cops, report your hurt fee-fees and wait for them to come give you a hug.

Trump is one committing treason on a daily basis. Clinton has had a $600 million witchhunt aimed at her for 25 fucking years and the assholes on the both the right and left still can’t prove that she has EVER done ANYTHING illegal much less treasonous. Open your eyes. You got played by right wing and Russian

Trump as President is far less scary than Pence as President. Trump is already contradicting senior Republicans on big things like healthcare, and committing them all to things they literally can’t deliver on. It will cause absolute chaos and they will obstruct each other’s agendas. Trump isn’t a Nazi. He doesn’t have

Donald Trump managed to parlay an existing family fortune and his father’s network of connections into a successful real estate empire and a larger family fortune, which he nearly lost due to his own mismanagement. He undoubtedly has some business talent which he displayed in the 70's and 80's. But he also

Certainly the most repetitive. They already marched out the “move the press into the OEOB” gag in Season 2.

This is going to be the worst season of ‘The West Wing’ ever.

Hey look, everybody, we found the one person that hasn’t seen Die Hard!


My household is in an income and net worth bracket that would traditionally connote “Republican” if all we were worried about was a.) ourselves and b.) money. We don’t vote for our bank accounts... we vote for what is good for the country, as one should.

Explain how the above article is good news for America.

Can you clarify whether you voted for Trump because you’re an idiot or because you’re an asshole?

“grow up and stop your crying” perfect reply to Trump’s whining about Meryl Streep’s speech at the GGs, isn’t it?

There seems to be one and only one sentiment among Trump voters: “We won!” It would be nice if they could expand their horizons beyond their shallow, 3rd-grade level exaltation and acknowledge some of the real and pressing issues facing our nation, and how they will be adequately addressed by Trump and his staff, but

You think this is funny? Firing these key roles maintaining the nukes without replacements?

How do you feel about the fact the man you voted for is a cry baby that has daily melt downs?

Hmm. Not so much. Liberalism correlates strongly with educational achievement, and religiosity has a strong negative correlation with education.

Twitler. Stealing.

It’s how he knows he’s good at sex. He always finishes first