
Unless cell phone towers are shooting lasers at satellites, there is only one correct answer.

In my experience, Christians are the least knowledgeable people when it comes to the Bible.

Adding “Texarse” into my vocabulary? Definitely worth my star.

Men can get yeast infections from women. I found that out the hard way in college.


Here’s my experience with Twin Cities cyclists: While taking a Segway tour of the city, which makes liberal use of the awesome bicycle paths the cities possess, cyclists would routinely hurl insults like “EXERCISE!” or “TRY USING YOUR LEGS, FATASS!” or “WOW, THAT SURE LOOKS HARD!” at my group.

Honestly, I’d rather watch that than whatever steaming pile Orci was planning to serve up for NuTrek 3.

Sitting in the middle of a crowded airport. Crying because I’m laughing so hard.

No offense, but this attitude is equivalent to a fat middle-aged man sitting on his couch with a beer talking about his high school football glory days. All of the infrastructure achievements you cited are far in the past and our infrastructure is currently lagging most industrialized countries. We are getting our

I read that as her acknowledgement of him as a tool in her escape... and nothing more. That last look chilled me to the bone.

Back in my day, we just pissed off the top row of the upper deck when everyone had their backs to us during the national anthem. Now, people are demanding cups? Fuck this entitled generation.

Risky. Why chance it? /s

Are you really that stupid, or are you just a troll?

Unless the post is so hyperbolic that the sarcasm is self-evident.

The typhoid makes it organic. Nice.

In which universe do you live? I ask because it has happened numerous times in mine.

Spoilers: Your DARE officer lied to you.

See, I don't necessarily see predicting the outcome as a strike against a horror film. In many cases, I find the happy ending for the protagonist to be the cheat. Sometimes, the takeaway from a horror film is "Your fate is inexorable" and I think it fit perfectly into a movie like this, especially considering the

Big disagree on Oculus. It doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Insidious and, especially, Ouija!

I'm a huge Firefly fan, but you get my star because I think that's the best part too.