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    Perhaps this would have been better for getting people pumped? Not dubstep either, a nice balance..

    How about real food and items? Jason Mecier works with stuff like that (seriously, he did liquorice portraits) and they look fantastic. A friend of mine used him as a reference for A-Level Art, creating a portrait of himself out of sweets and cookies.. smelled AWESOME!

    Yes! The final hour of Twilight! About time!

    That would be great actually; kellz595@hotmail.co.uk. Do you have it arranged in layers?

    @Cobaltios: I messed about with the image, see if I could define the generations a bit better;

    I have 20 games sitting on my shelf, and they are all games I love to bits- any I don't like I trade in. It leaves my collection being of a VERY high quality and shows exactly what my taste is- games with excellent gameplay, then story and graphics. Examples: AC series, Bioshock, Mass Effect series, RDR.

    Dawn French? What are you doing in the public eye?

    @Brian Crecente: Oh I know, I was just expanding on your comment with the biggest consequence of a potential merger.

    My stupid mind thought it was a LEGO remake of 'The Library' from Doctor Who..

    @Muhti: Sí, me gustaría esta :D

    @philguy21: It's an expressionist piece of art called "The Scream". It was painted by Edvard Munch, as part of a series of expressionist paintings.

    @HobbitGamer: Yeah, but they aren't getting their money up front. Some compensation's needed.

    So, really, Peter Molyneux just confirmed that for Fable IV we will be playing co-op as Pinky and the Brain, doing what they do best?

    @-MasterDex-: Wow it's like the night sky here! So many stars..

    "...male and female versions of Hawke, the son of a noble family..."

    @Milo Corkey: I have never heard of Birkenstocks, what are they? Google just reveals a pile of sandals so I assume I'm missing something..

    @KingHippo: He's a man with immense power and a huge company behind him. The only difference between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates is that Jobs likes to use his power to sell sell sell; therefore, his head is firmly entrenched in his rear.

    @KingHippo: Dude, he's head of a billion dollar company. He has the worried heads of shareholders to qualm. Every other word that comes out of his mouth is PR bullshit, but that's really only to be expected.