Ah damn I thought the first one was for some sort of boring shovelware game based on having a robots arms.
Ah damn I thought the first one was for some sort of boring shovelware game based on having a robots arms.
@Voodoo77: Ahh stupid curiosity. You just changed my outlook on life, FOR THE WORSE.
"Hey those tattoos must have taken a pretty long time to get done!"
Pokémon Red was the first proper videogame I ever played, and god was it amazing.
@legendnthemaking: Psssh, why would you give your unborn child a controller? Waaaay too inaccurate.
Prince of Persia (2008)! That game is so beautiful, and the music, platforming and enemy designs easily make up for the snide cocky voices.
@Kaonazhie: Nor are there dual chainsaw staffs. Case closed.
@HowardC: Beyond Good and Evil: To Infinite!
@Metallipod: See who can make the best 'shop puns? I wonder who win that.. *cough* Dukakis *cough*
Justin B (Beiber? Surely it's a joke) gets the douchebag award. Pissed off the conservative parents (the worst!) and girlfriend of friend, didn't come clean and then came in to scoop up the girl? Total player. The least he could have done was discreetly help him with the gaming problem- clearly the worst.
Blisterjuice is now my new favourite swear.
@KillaB43: And Fable, Halo, Gears, Forza. Exclusives are not dead.
Do we know when Pokémon Black and White are due for a western release? All I know is 'next year' which is pretty vague.
@Archaotic: I tend to apologise for the slightest things, I hate annoying or offending anyone who doesn't deserve it. Thanks for the info thought.
Nintendo is so organised! They kinda have an Apple store thing going on- clean, white, efficient placements and lots of space.
@Archaotic: Oh I didn't know that, my apologies. Edited correctly :3
@-MasterDex-: Another commenter said in the reveal article that Aeroshock would be a cool name, and I agree.
@Cookiecat: It does have a meaning.