It's silly, but in the meantime the legit players can't afford any good gear because the inflation is so bad that gear prices increase faster than regular players even make money.
It's silly, but in the meantime the legit players can't afford any good gear because the inflation is so bad that gear prices increase faster than regular players even make money.
Too bad the Asia server is rife with rollback-hacking and duping, and the economy is going down the shitter quicker than Mexican laxative thanks to gold-farmers and botters.
Just a few weeks ago I wrote on the front page of [] about my least favorite DooM experience as a child, spooky mystery abound, and now this pops up!
Some joker took my keys.
Oops, it was covered, ignore me
Hey, look! A Kotaku poster! I was reading through all the comments, and there hadn't yet been someone who wrote a run-on comment complaining about a 'run-on article'. I was getting disheartened.
Not in this article, no. I feel like I either read it on the old InsertCredit, or Actionbutton, or Selectbutton. He posts elsewhere on occasion.
It totally fits the narrative. If I'm not mistaken, Tim agrees that it does.
Now who's trolling.
It's not my opinion at all. I'd hoped you would have went and re-read the original comment before you had a hernia again, but hey. Kotaku.
Uh oh, are you gonna quote some Metacritic scores at me? Your word is LAW!
None of them went "Of COURSE we don't know what it is. We women don't froth over every piece of AAA schlock that hits the shelves; we have -taste-".
You mean it highlights how shitty the game is? Because that's what it does for English speakers.
1. Spirit Tracks!
Let me list a few reasons why nobody's taking you seriously, Reggie:
I bet you're a real blast at parties.
Gets extra life -> dies -> game over????
"Beginning this Saturday,"