Hey. I'd slip her the Baby's Nail.
Congratulations on completely and utterly missing the point.
"New Rainbow Six Might Be the Most Innovative Shooter in Years"
Don't do it! Don't read it! It'll rot your brain slowly.
Did you know that in Super Mario Brothers 2, there is a finite number of lives you can theoretically get? The limit imposed by the NES cartridge is 255, but if there were no limit imposed, the maximum would be:
A Jose Canseco bat? Tell me. You didn't pay money for this.
Five things that hinder player immersion, that you may not have thought about:
I can't tell exactly what it is, but it looks like that entire portion is some sort of garment. It doesn't really match her skin tone.
YEAH BRO, bestselling games before 2005 are for PUSSIES, especially groundbreaking ones. FUCK this guy, am I right? Cake! Minecraft! Cake! CODBLOPS! God of War CAKE
This weekend, we're doing it. We're doing it, and if there's a Starbuck character, I call her. (Insert sound of neck cracking 6 or 7 times in rapid succession)
@Taggart6: I was thinking in terms of tired, haggard and mirthless vs. presentable and optimistic.
Their looks reflect their views.
From the SelectButton website, things a forum user's daughter (age 3) said while watching him play Ico:
Achievements you've earned can, as far as I see,
Jason Jason Jason-(LastNameHere)
@Kellen Dunkelberger: Mordecai?