Openly trolling the ambitions of other modern comic-book movies, the sequel to Deadpool, the surprise hit that cast…
Openly trolling the ambitions of other modern comic-book movies, the sequel to Deadpool, the surprise hit that cast…
Thank you! I just, this shit makes me so angry, irrationally (but not really because it’s deadly) angry. It needs to be outlawed because people are not educated and they think a sugar pill is tantamount to a vaccine, and a vitamin iv will treat HIV, and they die. “Doctors” like this woman, who is just shitting on the…
Fuck this woman. Fuck fuck fuck this woman.
All I got to say:
That Thor is not worthy, since Ultron is in his brain.
You know, I respectfully disagree. If you moved Mount Hood way, way, way, way (no, seriously, way) west so that you could actually squeeze it onto the map, I think Portland would make a stellar GTA city. One of the things you want in a big open-world game (and it's a problem with Watch Dogs, which takes place in the…
I live in Beaverton (literally like 10px away from the edge of that map) and I can say that I wouldn't buy a GTA that takes place here. This place is BORING, and the driving would suck dick.
What if there was no ethics in hollywood journalism, if we can't trust Entertainment Tonight and TMZ where would we be?"
Gaters think game reviews are super duper important.
What are the two sides of the argument? And what is the argument? I can't find anywhere that actually explains it, it's all "gaters versus non-gaters" and that means zero to me, what the hell is a Gamergater and why are they sending death threats to families?
Yeah I'm surprised Evan would say something like that. He really should know better.
Reminds me of the dungeon train from adventure time.
Pokémon should jump on the crafting game bandwagon and make a game where Pokémon are like materials and you can use them to "craft" fusion Pokémon. So, you catch all the Fire birds and you can craft that last fusion Pokemon in the article, etc.
Ever wonder what it would look like to fly faster than a speeding bullet? Well, the folks at CorridorDigital got…