Balls into boxes

I thought it was schlocky id driven violence that knew it was schlocky id driven violence. 

The very Potter musical trilogy. 

You spelled Daredevil wrong

It’s $60 for the game. It’s $20 for the cardboard.

It’s fitting since everyone of Mike Meyer’s SNL characters were television hosts: Wayne, Simon, Lothar, the German dude whose name I’ve forgotten and judge Ito.

I have a pitch that’s the Good, the Bad and the Ugly with The mcguffin from Dark Force Rises.

It’s not an easy job. Not a justification for the deaths of hundreds of unarmed civilians.

It’s manslaughter

Spooky, when I woke up this morning one of my first thoughts was about the progress of the juggalos’ fight against their organized crime classification.

Their contexts and the actual details of the battles were completely different. They were seized on bunkers. Star Wars has had half a dozen ‘little ships shooting at big ship’ battles.

Wait, hotel detectives are a thing? I just thought it was a They Might Be Giants song.

Alex is not a tactical choice, shes supergirl’s plus one.

But it has to be more fun than answering the same two dozen questions in 40 different cities. It probably why lip sync battle has been added into promotion tours.

The MCU has over a week of content. 24x7

Cameron should tread carefully or else people will remember that his tough feminine icon only made 3 plot effecting actions across 2 films, 1 of which was having predestined sex.

Truthfully, there is nowhere near enough black vulcans. Their planet looks like one giant Arizona, why are 99% of them pale nerds?

John dies at the end

Not surprising given, y’know, the murders.

Black brits weren’t terribly well off at that time, either.

I just hope that isn’t the Doctor’s actual costume. She’s dressed like Silent Bob. Maybe lighter colors. I think only 5 and 7 had light colored outfits.