Balls into boxes

Anakin won a race that killed half a dozen of his competitors and singlehandedly took down the trade faderation’s blockade over the course of a weekend... when he was nine.

I dealt toomes was one of the best villains the MCU has had in quite a while. He’s sympathetic as all hell and had easy to follow plans and motivations. Zemo is the worst. His plan requires the unlikely event of Bucky being captured alive, twice, and for Bucky to reveal that there were other winter soldiers in Siberia

But doesn’t his argument describe 90% of all action films made?

Anyone else think that Harley, Green Arrow and Black Canary should become a canon team? They have a fun dynamic.

The spoiler is that the gauntlet isn’t a big gold glove but all of the marvel villains, alive and dead, gathered by thanos to fight the heroes.

Wish I could go to celebration to corner a producer and give them my elevator pitch for Dark Force Rising meets the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

I believe that was mera, aquaman’s queen.

7 words: the good, the bad and the ugly

Well, cyborg is completely naked.

Character crossovers is one thing but I would at least like some conceptual crossover. Where are all the inhumans in the movies and Netflix shows?! The fact that they’re popping up should be acknowledged in passing.

I read the headline as hot toys and was really hoping to give my black widow a lady friend to vent with over tiny ventis

This will mean nothing to no one but Tingle might be the Famous Mysterious Actor, a luchador mask wearing talk show host from Portland in the mid 2000s.

Darren criss was a pretty good Harry Potter so I will give him a shot.

It’s also really weird considering that 3 out of 4 of their D.C. Shows have a queer character in their main cast this season, with the 4th having a gay chief of police.

They need to fix the eyes. 33.3% of Ryan’s portrayal of Constantine was sold through his sexy, untrustworthy shark eyes.

Adult matters like abandonment, death and accidentally lobotomizing your friends who are deep undercover? Those are probably adult subject matters to tackle after ‘some guys would rather kiss other guys.’

Can Netflix or HBO get on making a new show of this?

Anyone else think that boycotts are the most ineffectual and mastibatory form of protest? At best they attract people who were never going to buy the product to begin with and at worst they suffer the Streisand effect and bring more attention and money to the thing they are protesting.

It’s funny that you say that because my local theater was playing the holiday special leading up to the trailers. That special is an even bigger mess all blurry on a big screen.

What is it with anime and using turn of the century Germany for fantasy settings?