Balls into boxes

so is Thor unworthy or Donald Blake? if Thor is then this whole mess makes no sense but if its ol' Donnie (do people even remember that he is around? is he around?) then its a matter of Thor finding a new person's body to fight in.

the height of the daleks were based around the companion at the time. the brass and copper ones could stare Billy Pier in the eye and the rainbow ones could look Karen Gillen in her's. she is a tall lady

but seriously, if the devil shows up on dominion and is a total bro who sides with humans I would watch the hell out of this show. satanists are just humanists with a snarky attitude and I would love to see that reflected in dominion's satan. though, then the show would take a turn a bit too close to the prophecy

I don't really understand angelic human hate or demonic human hate for that matter. like it always pisses me off when the devil kills good people in media. what does he gain from that? what does satan ever really gain? if the bible is gospel then the devil knows that he loses so his only logical action is non

yes, 200 years somewhere around closing time and the wedding of river song

the doctor had about 200 years of unaccounted time between the big bang and impossible astronaut

the movie takes on a weird reality when you remember beowulf. well, the movie takes on a weird reality regardless. cartoon sex with john hamm will do that.

coyotes, like cats, adhere to the "fit/sit" paradigm

read it in his voice

keep doing what you do. we're Genre fans, no angel in heaven can match our blind, unconditional love and no demon can compete with our deranged vitriol and hatred. sometimes we're bipolar messenger shooters. I'm sorry.

can I see your ParaNorman tattoo, Meredith? but seriously, he may be lashing out at you and your colleges but that's only because you actualize something inside all of us Genre fans. when you guys write 200,000 words leading up to a film and it ends up flopping and/or terrible then we feel like you've wasted your

I feel like we wont even get a sizzle real until the day before the season starts

I like a some of the ideas in this show on their own but its all kinda stupid together. I like the roman and greek theming of the post apocalyptic world. I like..... how phlegmy and congested tony head's american accent is. that's really it. the things that I don't like are angels that can be stabbed or shot to death

the floor is lava: the movie. but seriously, if my funeral coincides with an all day tremors marathon I would understand if no one showed up.

is anyone else super disappointed that Jehovah's Witnesses can not deny coverage of life saving blood transfusions or Scientologists can't deny psych meds? this really feels like it should be all or nothing.

yes but its a supernatural show, which has been the strongest Genre genre on tv for the past decade. NBC has held onto Grimm so it may have a chance

I think its because these movies are harder scifi than we are use to getting from a summer blockbuster

I think this ape is running an agenda counter to Caesar's peaceful isolationism and probably doesn't have a cute ape to disarm with.

is the reason commercials are filmed on it because its cheap to shoot in portland?

but that's what makes them a terribly inept team