Ian Isles

Our bodies are already commodities when we park them in chairs and work behind desks for 8 hours, or when we stand them up behind counters and racks in retail environments - both of which examples are often dehumanizing and exploitative because of capitalism, a system in which we are to sell our labor/profit/products

What is wrong with you?

lol you stupid classist fuck. The assumptions you make are fucking laughable. I am a certified public accountant so I know demanding hours and being paid properly. We consistently under value service work that we feel is beneath us yet utilize constantly. We call these service workers lazy and worthless when our world

yup that was downright nasty - i thought it was very H&M (no disrespect) was so nasty and unbelievably bad and tacky it almost felt the team did it intentionally to fk with the asshole owner bitch for firing Elbaz - if that was the in intention behind this then they did an amazing job!!!

Elbaz may have been a rare bird indeed, a competent boss with vision.


I sort of can’t believe I have to say this on here, but here it goes.

Is $9 expensive for a drink? And I’m pretty sure last time I paid $6 for cover it was still the 90s. I thought NYC would be more expensive than my mini city.

Is the only way I can escape racist judgement through renouncing my culture and my history?

I like being a black person, I don’t want to be “raceless” I like black people and black culture and blackness. And it often feels radical to do even that in this country where these things are often hated.

And you know I’m not

I was raised in a Pentacostal church, washed in the blood of the lamb, raised within a spirit-filled congregation, speaking in tongues, praying in the spirit, being healed in God’s merciful light. When I was a struggling, almost-suicidal 21 year old who had never had a relationship, I went to the front during the

I think that it's better summed up as most modern men aren't encouraged to have many female friends as children and therefore the gender binary starts developing as culture divides us into male and female life paths and we start assimilating to our prescribed societal roles. Then when the hormones start flowing and

You know all those times that some people from Europe try to call out America as super racist, then pretend that their countries aren't too? Yeah fuck that.

i pour heavy cream on my ice cream and its fucking delicious - skimmed milk is basically water. if you want milk get milk not watery milkpiss. GO BIG OR GO HOME!FULLFAT ALL THE WAY

Fucking dog people. I've seen dogs chained up in back yards in all sorts of weather and temperatures. I've been confronted by pit bulls who are obviously fighting dogs while walking home from work in Chicago. If you think a tiny cat is capable of abusing a dog you're delusional and should seek professional