Yes! I was so obsessed with Pocahontas as a kid. She showed up at my third birthday party and it was the most exciting day of my life.
Yes! I was so obsessed with Pocahontas as a kid. She showed up at my third birthday party and it was the most exciting day of my life.
Unengaged people making wedding pinterests seems pathetic to me. I'm going to get slammed by 50 people telling me "It's just good sense and I loooovvve weddings!:))))!" but I'm saying it: It looks pathetic.
Totally hear you. When I was 10 my dad took me on a road trip to Maryland and Pennsylvania to see Civil War battlefields. (Don't worry, it was my idea) I have this great picture of me standing in front of Gen. Edward Braddock's grave near Farmington, PA with my best impression!
She is! Not only does she not end up with the man, she saves him.
Pocahontas is here too!
She was mine too! I had the doll and perfume, and I lived in New England in a house with a lot of land and trees so I could totally pretend I was a little Indian princess running around. I may have talked to the trees too...
You think Sinatra was ugly? I can think of some shitty things to say about him...but ugly?
...oh, God; I think I am Aunt Kellie.
Hey, that's why I didn't ask ;)
This is all obviously bonkers, but the toothbrush and the razor is the bonkers-est. You would spend exactly the same money if you had one each! They would last twice as long!
Let me guess, you are a libertarian. Did you know your hero, Ayn Rand, the one who took social security benefits from the evil gubment, was also pro choice?
I'll try and speak your language, since the Constitution and Supreme Court rulings don't help sway you: then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. -Genesis 2:7
To me, this says that a fetus who hasn't drawn the breath of…
People like you make me even MORE pro-choice.
Well, let's see. Once you start providing paid maternity leave, subsidized prenatal care, support for day care, equal pay for women (you know, those single moms), enforcement of paternal responsibilities in the sense of alimony, more funding for a better educational system, provide affordable healthcare to all…
No, no. I'm not a murderer. I've never had an abortion (I'm a guy) and never performed one. I'm tacitly endorsing murder. Get it right.
I'm sorry, but if Republicans cared about human babies the way they claim, they wouldn't have allowed human babies to go hungry due to their programs being affected by the government shutdown.
Hear, hear. By the same token, women who miscarry should be charged with manslaughter.