

Is this going to be the new generation's "Did Han shoot first?"

I love that Dean Norris (Hank) thinks there's something fundamentally wrong with the Team Walt fans. I also just love that Dean Norris.

Never forget. This was one of the best comedies on television. Fuck ABC for canceling it.

I'm not really eloquent enough to be participating in a discussion about this, but I'm at the doctor's and bored, so here goes...

I can't imagine why the women they approached declined the invitation. Weird.

Just heading them off at the pass.

Agreed. The point shouldn't be to have equal gender roles, and just switch what gender is dominant, but to do away with the damn things altogether.

This is the exact same education system we've had for decades. Calling it "female friendly" because females do better is just sour grapes.

So that's why he always made this face.

There are THREE YEARS until the next election. Can we not have some peace?! Please. I beg of you. The constant election cycle is basically awful.

WE're surprised this guy

*extremely hypothetical catfight*

I'm officially old. This is the first Vegas act where I actually went oooooo I will definitely see that aging star that will remind me of my youth!

My love for Britney will never die.

Most child prodigies excel in subjects that are highly-structured and rule-governed - that is, subjects which can be mastered when one understands a relatively small set of formal principles and underlying regularities. This structure makes them particularly accessible to children, so they tend to find them most

Is it really a mash-up if it's 95% one song? I don't hear any of Supermodel except for the occasional "You better work..." Am I just over thinking it? It's still an awesome gym song, no doubt.

Oh, the little girl putting on lipstick was so cute!

Which do you regret more? The marriage to Sean Penn or Swept Away?

I can't believe this is occurring without James Franco.