

Apparently these guys don't realize that greeting people with a kiss means you're actually greeting them...as in, saying hello to them because you know them. People in France don't just randomly kiss complete strangers they are having no interaction with either. That's not traditional in any culture as far as I know.

I know, right? I feel anyone I was actively fighting with who asked me to sort out our issues on a cliff would be met with a "why don't we do that while I cling to a chair in a crowded Starbucks?"

I like the stories where people actually have a good time and aren't totally mortified/ashamed/injured. It gives me hope for future generations.

Age: 17

Age: 16

Fact. I have never been pregnant and continue to live. Fact. Your move, America.

Snooze. Wake me up when Gina Torres is cast as Wonder Woman.

God I'm so embarrassed for her.

Who wore it better?

I remember that all too well, and I wasn't even gay. Just that awful feeling that you always had the blade about to descend on your neck, that every day was a nightmare. And you had to pretend it didn't bother you, that you didn't care, then go home and turn into a basket case.

This shit shouldn't be happening. I am very mad right now. Gay teens (even adults) should not have to go through such horrible treatment. No one deserves to be treated like trash. This man is a hero for sharing his experience with the world. I hope one day all this gay bullying and abuse will stop. No young person

I like what my kid's school does. If I forget to put money into their lunch account they don't let the kids go hungry. It isn't exciting, but they offer a free lunch. The price they have to pay is to take a little slip of paper home to remind us to put some dollars into their account. They get one of three

There seems to be a good deal of pro-Assad apologetics starting up in this comments section.

I think what John Legend is saying is that a girl needs to have self esteem and the guy needs to not be a asshole. That being said

Hmm, well, I can see how spending a big chunk of time studying Russian history could cause a person to develop an allergy to government involvement of any kind.


I think that libertarianism goes hand-in-hand with believing that we live in a meritocracy, and that our situations in life are based entirely on our choices. Like, you know, government shouldn't go around handing money out to people, because they haven't earned it. Also, government shouldn't go around restricting

The Bitcoin thing pleases me. I hope that he has invested a large portion of his savings into it.