
NERD RAAAAGEEEEEE I want this guys address. Im going to write a treatise on "N" numbers on poster board, wrap it around a bat, and whack him about the neck and shoulders with it until he screams "OFTEN HIGH N NUMBERS ARE GOOD AND CAN REDUCE VARIABILITY" because SCIENCE, MOTHERFUCKER.

So this is what happens when

Your beauty does not impress me.

By the principle of supply and demand alone his theory doesn't work out. The number of women a man can impregnate is higher than the number of men a woman can have children by, because for 9 months you're out of the game. Therefore eggs are more valuable than sperm. And that's assuming anyone would want to have kids

"When people tell you who they are...believe them."

My freshwater pearl ovaries want nothing to do with a man who cannot distinguish "it's" from "its," regardless of his gilded spunk.

While I agree with you that poor Miley (and I mean that in all sincerity) is getting kinda cunt punched, I'm not sure the juxtaposition works here. The earlier piece on Miley Cyrus made clear it was not criticizing her for her displays of sexuality. The piece pretty much zeroed in on the actually offensive aspect of

Aaaaand all together now y'all, collective eye roll on three....1....2......3!

"'You know we’re about to make history right now?' What's amazing is, I think, now we're three days later they're still talking about it."

I don't get why anyone expects her to know anything about feminism. They asked her, it's not like she's been claiming to be a feminist.

I KNOW! That whole "See, white people ain't so bad, we let you go eventually!" smirk.

Hey, they were raped in much comfier places than the other slaves, am I right?

Having also been a 14-year-old girl, if any of my friends had been having sex with a teacher, I would have known that was sketchy as fuck.

What are you talking about? There are lots of nooks and crannies to insert a penis.

Her people know what middle America women want better than anyone else, I guess. Personally, except for some shoes, I find her clothing to be overpriced for the cheapness of it.

Since the beginning of her career, she has existed on the kindness of strangers to provide her places to stay, instruments if her keyboard gets broken, or backing musicians if something happens. In her latest tour, people focused in on how she wasn't paying the backing musicians, which she eventually paid them anyways.

Then again, she's probably an idiot. Like, honestly, could you picture Miley Cyrus sitting quietly in a coffee shop and reading a book?

If Lisa Kudrow signs on, will she stop being the voiceover for those awful yogurt commercials? Or is Scandal dialogue destined for "So we're like...."?

I never watched that, but I saw their first episode of Couples Therapy and the way they reacted to Flava Flav's absurd ruminations on the well being of the baby they adopted out was really impressive. They seemed so calm and grounded considering that he was both insulting them and talking out of his ass.

NOT WITH THE ALL-CAPS YELLING! That's "very" aggressive and NOT feminine. NO RETURN EMAIL FOR YOU"!"