
Most drug trials are tested on adult, white men (this is not a slight skew in data, it really is just the population that tends to be in drug trails... although I'm not clear exactly why. It may not be evil or nefarious... just the people who sign up). As a little-talked about side effect, these drugs also tend to

Exactly. But don't for get the real tremble in West's voice... he fucking meant it. What happened to NOLA affected him and he wanted his voice heard.

Kanye covered a wide variety of topics, including but not limited to: Aresenio Hall, racial profiling at Barneys, Paris Fashion Week seating arrangements, self esteem and Jesus.

I can't help but like Kanye. There I said.

As usual, Madonna did it first. :)

I never really got their deal. Kanye really does seem like a smart guy who is not evil. Jay-Z is a smart guy that does seem a little evil.

He's not a business man. He's a business, man.

Not gonna lie... he got so much hotter. More men need the 5 o'clock shadow, me thinks.

Totally. She has a real job (I have endless more respect for a hardworking waitress than some ex-reality tv star that plays his iPod for a living) and financially supports and raises two young children.

Wait... can someone do that? Aren't you obligated to support the child no matter what?

Cognitive dissonance? She is just such a cunt bucket.

I think Riri still looks amazing sans makeup... that picture is just mid-blink.

How in the world do you have a $400 electricity bill? I know Texas is hot, but that's gotta be at least two months worth of leaving the air conditioning on all day while the windows are wide open.

Exactly. He's not in jail for saying offensive things... that is free speech!

My overies just exploded.

I think smoking "light" cigarettes is probably the healthiest thing Lilo has ever done. Let the woman have her Marbrols!

I re-read that headline about 5 times before the words actually sank in.

I'm a faith and buffy shipper from way back! Come on... what was really going on with them?

Really? Season one is ranked as number three....

If feel the same way when watching Ann Hathaway host the Oscars. Watching people try to hard makes me uncomfortable.