I'm never seen it (I'm one of those assholes who always mentions that I don't have a television in casual conversation... there, JUST DID IT!)..... buuuuuuuuut, he is like, the definition of handsome.
I'm never seen it (I'm one of those assholes who always mentions that I don't have a television in casual conversation... there, JUST DID IT!)..... buuuuuuuuut, he is like, the definition of handsome.
He is a bit of a jerk. I also thought it was pretty annoying that when faced with his own death, he decided that he was an agnostic instead of an atheist.
I sort of think anyone who thinks of themselves as an "intellectual" is a bit of a creep (both men and women).
Wait... they didn't even get skeptchick? She rocks my socks!
Edited to add: Is it weird if I hate Megan on Mad Men so much that seeing pictures of Jessica Pare annoys me. Sorry JP... I'm sure you are a nice lady! But, ughghghg PLEASE DIVORCE DON DRAPER IN THE TV MAKE BELIEVE UNIVERSE!
Who is Shemare Moore and why is he not married to me?
I had an exboyfriend EXACTLY like this. It's basically a giant, clusterfuck, subtly-abusive nightmare that you don't realize you are in until you're out of it.
Jonah Hill in general. He just seems like an insufferable prick to me.
God I fucking hate that guy... the gif not adam scott. I love adam scott.
No, Columbia is not a party school.
Gina Torres... the crush to end all crushes. Amazing actor in every way.
Britney is our generations Michael Jackson, that's why.
Oh Anne Perkins, you beautiful butterfly woman.
I haven't seen her in anything since Firefly! ... and, nerdily enough, a marathon night of Cleopatra 2525.
Is that... Gina Torres?
Why are these children acting so oddly?
Working without any job security or benefits doesn't sound like a great situation to me.
I think you just exploded my dyslexia.
Sports have laws?
I'm really sorry that you had a creep like that in your life.