I hope there is an add-on for fighting Jubilee! That would be something I pay for hahaha
I hope there is an add-on for fighting Jubilee! That would be something I pay for hahaha
So what do dans signify? If black belt is that you can do everything, what does a 9th degree black belt have over a 2nd degree black belt?
Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't a black belt only signify that you have mastered the basics and that each degree after that means much much more?
You're a dumb ass, the situation he was presenting scared her. He was inebriated, meaning his sense of judgement was affected. He was commenting on her appearance, meaning possible sexual advances (or maybe in her mind she thought that way). He was blocking her only chance of leaving a situation she wasn't comfortable…
Question: Does Elizabeth turn into the female doctor chick? Doesn't make sense in canon, but Elizabeth being the doctor creates the Little Sisters. You become the first "Big Daddy" and the reason Big daddy is so protective of the Little Sisters is because you gave up your daughter, Elizabeth, as a child. You weren't…
*Loud whisper*
He's talking about the hybrid drive from Seagate.
*Loud whisper*
He's talking about the hybrid drive from Seagate.
Thanks Kotaku Nicole Kidman!
What is this of? Try searching but Clouds is pretty generic.
True. An unlock shouldn't be more than 1mb in reality. But look at Steam, you get a disc instore, install it and still have to download quite a bit before you can play it.
Ummm... People are ridiculous, the first thing that popped into my head, stolen consoles, broken street dates, etc. This stops people from getting onto the system fully until the street date.
I was hoping this was like Super Mario World (ala SNES) but on the Wii U... Sadly it is not. I wish they'd make a game as long and as amazing as that. And don't say Galaxy....
Who the fuck cares? This is the question everyone should be asking. I'd rather go by Ridiculous or Houeston than by my real name.
"For the analog sticks,” he says, “we did test having the analog sticks on top, since the Xbox has the left side on top [above the D-pad]. Especially from the shooter teams — we got feedback that that’s what they wanted. They knew that consumers liked the 360 for shooters."
I didn't even see this response but I assume you also love RTS games.
I think this is a metaphor. I could be wrong but hear me out.
It's all shit!
That's the metaphor. From what we drink to manufacturing to everything. It's all just shit.
I concur completely. If you liked Tactics and do not like FFXII you liked Tactics for the wrong reason. Tactics and XII are both political intrigue FF.
Looks like most of the physical tech stuff doesn't work for shipping to Canada... Sometimes I hate the border policies of our two countries.
Hello nurse! But seriously, what is with all the micro mini skirts for female heroines? I mean no, it wouldn't provide more maneuverability... If they wanted that, yoga pants would be norm then... I get sexy sells, especially in Japan, but seriously... Unless she doesn't care about her gibblies... Then she should just…
At the time it wasn't but our perception changes with time. I don't remember any game I played being blocky until I look back at it like 5-10 years later....
I'm wondering that too with my pre-order here in Canada. Will have to ask the....EB Games... guy if I do!