I think your experience highlights why we're even having this confusing discussion. What you point out about yourself and your daughter is extremely valid. However, you jump immediately to not understanding why there's an argument.
I think your experience highlights why we're even having this confusing discussion. What you point out about yourself and your daughter is extremely valid. However, you jump immediately to not understanding why there's an argument.
As a Black male who has been playing video games for thirty or more years, the internet era is a confusing one. The gameplay and interaction have improved so much...and teaming with new and old friends, near and far away has been great. On the other hand, I've experienced racism to the extent that I've only really…
Sarkeesian makes pretty good points. Writers and directors should do better than what they've been doing. However, I'm reluctant to say that violence against any single group of people should be removed from creative work since that has the potential to shut down a vein of narrative. I mean sure, "imagine better…
Nathan, I'm ashamed.
Gotcha. I'm not saying it isn't shitty for xbox players having to wait until the game is effectively dead for dlc. But my biggest 2 things for thus arguement are A) people look to their loyalty to Bungie as an Xbox Dev in that Bungie OWES them something. The sense of entitlement is a bit ridiculous.
Did ANYONE of you guys click the link and read the features list? It says: "Four-player co-op multiplayer - explore with your friends!"
You are ridiculous.
Can you really blame him for not trusting a thing such as facebook? Do i have to remind you were and how they made most of their money?
I would love a remaster of 12 so much. The PS2 version, which I played just a few months ago, has not aged super well presentation-wise, in which I include things like load times.
12 is most likely the next one to get this treatment. I believe they said at one point that since the PS2 games are the only ones you can't play on current systems (PS3/Vita at the time), they wanted to do the HD remastering for those first.
oh shut the fuck up.
Edge: For fuck's sake, guys. Make your consoles backward compatible.
It's just not technically possible, short of putting the PowerPC chip from the 360 or the Cell cores from the PS3 right on the board alongside all the new gear. They're completely different architectures and instruction sets. Yes, it would be nice if they had stuck to a unified system over the years, but you can't…
As it's a disc based game, you can probably 'buy' the DLC for free during the 2 week period even if you don't have the disc. At least you should be able to on the PS3.
HA! Same here... RSS feed still showing it, though Fahey quickly fixed it.
The video games brought him to morbid obesity.
I did a reverse image search and found a game called Primordia, which looks potentially really cool. Check it out!
This is mechanically separated chicken. Chickens are turned into this goop so we can create delicious chicken…