
This is the international version not the NA version. Us in the NA were screwed over with our release. No Dark Aeons or expanded sphere grid or extra dungeons.... Could be they fixed Tidus in this version (International) so the HD version already had it fixed.

Bwahahahaha! Great comment!

PostwarPenace on the Kotaku board had this to say, "Bashcroft is[...]the same as any other fucktard around the world and [...] it is impossible to gauge the size of the[...]fucking internet"

Incomplete quoting is fun!

Says the man who is definitely on par with these creepers (now comes that I respect women defense but don't blah blah blah

Axew because he has tusks or a bone or teeth in his mouth. Dem's some chomppas!

notified* not involved I would assume your typo missed you... Or should I say you missed your typo haha... Yeah...

So it didn't double post... Fuuuuuuuu!

I think I found him. Here is here

You're such a dumbass. Read the whole fucking article before going on some self-richeous rant. You are the problem with the internet. The person who skims to read a bit then flies off at the handle.

Her father choking her was only the setup to talk about the thing in the article. A actual female protagonist!

Slap your

Do you know for a fact it's the international version of the game coming to NA?

I hope you're talking on the phone while you have music playing in the background. It's low and the person you are talking to is a good friend. You talk for a hour or so (10-15 songs play in that time). All of a sudden, your door gets broken down and S.W.A.T. come in and arrest you for piracy.

I'd rather a remake of a 2D (or that weird 3D 2D) of Super Metroid with all the original stuff plus a whole crapton more like how Zero mission did but even more!!! I have to say that game is by far the Greatest Nintendo Game of All Time!

How is it even allowed for a console company to force you to not be allowed to play second-hand games? You won't be able to borrow games, or anything like that either... You'll have to lend your whole system. This is a huge step in the wrong direction.

Are you serious about that title... I am hard enough to do a lot of things lol >:)

*Peter Griffon voice* Go on.... haha! Stay classy katieupsidedown

Your post embiggens all of us and is quite scrumtralecent.

Look at the main picture.

I think his wearing the douche sunglasses is enough to let me know this is a marketing gimmick.

.... Go on! lol You didn't need to justify anything to anyone, but since you're on a role. Please continue.

So you didn't understand the Paradigm system and the item leveling. It wouldn't have seemed tedious if you did. Story was a little over the place, but main was about fighting "Fate"/changing "fate".... Good around. Disliked party leader dying/game over.