
One of the best openings...the ominous sound of the narrator's voice really set the tone for the movie. I'd have to say this is my favorite Miyazaki film.

I'm honestly waiting for the new SSB to drop before I (re) purchase a 3ds...maybe even the WIi U, only because that's the one game I can see myself dedicating enough time to make the purchase worth while. Not saying that there aren't already great games for 3ds, I'm just not convinced they'd keep me interested enough.

I second this. I remember looking through the old game manuals just for the art. Ah, the (nostalgia) feels...

I always loved picking Bulbasaur, not only because he was a straight boss, but also because of his play-style once I found the original toxic-leech seed combo...man that combo was so sweet. Too bad they fixed it for later generations.

Ah that's right. I remember reading about that. And thanks for the link :-)

I had no idea Square Enix —> Eidos —> Timesplitters... it literally just clicked. A new Timesplitters-esque game would be awesome! I still remember the multiplayer mayhem...and let's not start on the storyline lol

*Make that over 1200 hrs = 52 days

This is one of my favorite books of all time. I always get a bit excited when I see someone use this word lol, it's not often you see it used.

It baffles me every time I boot up this game (still got an original gamecube kicking around) how well the game has aged. According to the in game stats, I've logged over 100 hrs on it...and every single minute was worth it.

Seem's pretty interesting. Depending on the price, I'll probably check it out. However, I do have my eyes set on Infinity Blade III which drops this week as well, so pumped!

I can see where some might get a little motion sickness, but I think the shaking adds some realism to the gameplay. It would be a nice compromise if the shaking was only noticeable in 1st person. Anyway, this game looks awesome!