This movie has looked like a steaming pile of shit from the very beginning.
This movie has looked like a steaming pile of shit from the very beginning.
VR is an expensive luxury item, and will be for years. Any “winner” is going to be crowned by—and this is a rarity for them—early adopters.
I don’t know anything about League of Legends but that’s a nice collage.
Actually, I’m quite thin (and not too tall, either) though I eat quite a lot. Maybe it’s all the coffee (two or three pots per day) or maybe it’s the cigarettes (two packs a day). Maybe I just have a “quirky metabolism” or a lot of nervous energy. Is that even relevant? Do I not fit your assumed fat profile? Just…
You are a piece of infectious human waste. The best thing you’ll ever do for the world is to take your last breath and stop wasting the oxygen that good people need.
The manufacturers chose not to add airbags because regulations don’t require them to. Additionally, some of them used inferior materials known to increase the risk of catastrophic failure or cause additional injury to passengers.
You mean a sKwid?
Well, I guest the worst offense is a good de-fence.
Childcare is one concern with average daycare costs (for one child) of roughly $975 per month. That’s $6/hr of income right off the top.
These numbers are highly suspect and don’t take into account the radically different living expenses in different areas of each state. I suspect that these figures are looking at averag eincomes for the entire state and only a handful of housing examples from a single “upscale” or metropolitan community and then…
Within a few seconds I saw that something was sticking out of the bricks but I didn’t recognize it as a cigar. At first I thought perhaps it was some sort of rebar or other metal object with strange discoloration or weathering at the end.
Thanks for jumping in with nothing to add, useless cunt. Please do the world a favor and die soon. On behalf of people with intelligence who actually matter, thanks for nothing.
There is a vast difference between SSAA, MSAA, and FXAA for example, in performance degradation versus image “improvement.”
Which is essentially a longer version of what I said.
Each of of the oxygen-wasting, subhuman animals involved deserves a swift death.
There are those who insist that AA is necessary because they’ve grown up with GPU marketing telling them that. Then there are others who have been using it for so long that they forget that monitor resolutions have more than quadrupled in total pixels.
Them’s fightin’ words where I come from.
Personally, at resolutions above 1920x1080 I find that AA hinders performance more than it improves visuals. The higher you go the less necessary it becomes. In most games I disable it entirely with little to no loss of image quality and hugely improved performance.
I was excited about the idea of Doom 3. Then I saw the trailers. But, I wanted to be fair so I bought it and I played it.
These ones look more like the originals were intended to look. The fucked up crap in Doom 3 was cooked up by (and for) dumbfucks who lack any imagination... so it ended up looking like every other modern “horror” creature.