I am Irony Man

This movie isn’t based on World of Warcraft. It’s more based on events from the RTS Warcraft games that preceded WoW by a significant time period.

Even if the author, in her exceedingly finite and miniscule wisdom, erroneously thinks that the decision was wrong that does not make the award erroneous. The decision might be considered inappropriate, egregious, outrageous, unbelievable or even inequitable but it’s not erroneous unless the award was given to Lady

Author is clearly barely literate. Just another case of a hipster gossip-hound making waves over nothing. Typical snarking and bitching.

Maybe someday when there are good systems for seeing and interpreting it. Not anytime soon.

Fallout 4 wasn’t bad, it just didn’t have any of the stuff that made the classic Fallout games special. Even the stuff that made FO3 and FONV decent seemed to be ripped out. They tore the guts out of the classic character-building and roleplaying and left a somewhat serviceable console FPS game with a few other

I found the movie to be a decent, workman-like effort that did exactly what it set out to do: it sets up a new branch of the venerable franchise. It didn’t do anything too bold to risk upsetting lifelong fans but added just enough modern film-making tropes to appease younger audiences.

It’s not your fault.

Or you could just skip the Rift and use some of that money to upgrade to a decent gaming rig, buy a ton of games on Steam, and be very happy.

I’d never buy action figures or collectible figures, especially at that price, but these are truly stunning works of art.

Fallout 3 felt a lot closer to realizing the potential of its concept art then New Vegas did. The entirety of New Vegas was dull and empty and I was able to fully explore every nook and cranny within a few hours. It was just too small, too empty and lacked any real interesting locations or missions.

New Vegas was incredibly disappointing in almost every aspect. The added mechanics were interesting but without a more vibrant world to explore they weren’t enough to carry the game by themselves.

That’s an inherent weakness of nearly all shackle-style locks, not just Master brand. The design of the shackle toe and the small size of the lock make this sort of by-pass nearly unavoidable. A double-toe would negate the issue but would increase the size of the body and potentially weaken the shackle toe.

When it comes to bumping this isn’t really true. Anyone who bumps will have some graphite which will make any lock smooth as butter... at least temporarily. I can bump most locks open in the time it takes to insert and turn the key. The quality of the mechanism has never been a factor. Old locks that have been used

The fact that this level of shenanigans was necessary to allow a nonviolent option, and that it breaks the game, is yet another reason why I found this game so utterly disappointing. This game simply is not true to the Fallout style. It’s just a mildly entertaining mashup of a console shooter and Minecraft.

Every time I see Spade’s picture on an article like this my first reaction is that he must have finally died from a combination of a drug overdose and auto-erotic asphyxiation.

Everyone is shitty. You are shitty. People are self-righteous, ignorant, selfish pieces of walking infectious waste.

Spoken like a self-righteous, waking cunt-clot who is not even out of his 20s and thinks he understands how the world works. Just shut up and die. Focus on the die part, please.

That kid is 9 and his mom thinks, ““This has ruined his belief in Santa.”

Fahey, you always look like an idiot. No amount of editing could save you.

Because most people are fucking morons who do nothing but waste oxygen.