I am Irony Man

Man on lift who spotted the car, “God spoke to me and told me to start decorating a big Christmas tree in early November. I was like, dude, seriously? It’s way too early for that! But he was insistent. Well, it’s like they always say, God works in mysterious ways.”

I had a sinking feeling that somebody would make a comment like this.

These are the comments of an ignorant child who has no respect, nay, no understanding, for the greatness of that which he so casually mocks.

I couldn’t have hoped to run FO4 at even 5fps on my admittedly aging CPU, even with a 750 Ti. Most games run “well enough” (25 to 40fps) for me to deal with it but Skyrim was a dog so I didn’t get my hopes up for FO4. Considering what I’m reading (and seeing from friends playing it) that cynicism was well founded.

In this instance the insured amount is entirely irrelevant because UPS refuses to pay the insurance claim.

The griefing excuse sounds flimsy and makes no sense. It is tantamount to Sony saying, “Once you change your name we won’t know who you are anymore.”

Wow, this sounds very intriguing. This might be the first anime I can really get into... gonna start watching ASAP.

Even Stevens was an absolutely brilliant show. It was hilariously funny without being offensive. Everyone on it had fantastic comedic timing and it perfectly balanced various types of humor and wit with just a dash of schmaltzy-feelgood values.

Thank you for your feedback! I’ll add it to the “pro” side on my internal debate of Win7 vs. Win10.

My concern is also being able to find drivers. Dell stopped releasing drivers for this system (and this Intel chipset) at the time of Windows Vista. Fortunately the Vista drivers have worked and in some cases Windows was able to find what it needed on its own.

Similar question... my computer is... old. It’s a Dell XPS 420 with a Core 2 Duo (3.16GHz) with 8GB of ram. I’m running Win 7 Pro 64-bit and it runs very smooth and everything I do is snappy. Essentially, the performance is great for my needs.

“But I don’t know what to do with those tossed salads and easter eggs.”

I’m inclined to agree with T off the New. The same actor in different shows and movies is acceptable because they are actual people representing actual people. They can move their faces in the usual way and that’s fine. (Although in some instances recognizable actors wearing bad age makeup can be equally disturbing.

Equally strange in FO3/FNV... “Seriously, nobody ever looked in any of these mailboxes or dressers? Ever?? Ok...”

From what I’m seeing that won’t be enough between necessary gear and the amount of scrap/salvage required to build useful things.

It makes a lot more sense than the oversized and unreasonably thick metal shields that fantasy artists often erroneously depict. But considering how stupidly unrealistic most fantasy armor is I suppose it doesn’t really matter.

I’ve never played on a console (at least not since the Dreamcast) so I don’t know how bad the situation may be.

Are you serious? Almost all MMOs have had bug-ridden launches. I’ve played almost all the “big” titles from beta to release and I’m hard pressed to think of one that didn’t have at least a handful of serious issues.

I see a slight difference. The PC (with maxed settings on a good video card) has better shadows and more “ground clutter” and vegetation in outdoor scenes. The PC versions also seemed to have a stronger HDR effect which is something some people don’t care for anyway and can disable. Interiors and character models

Football is a violent, criminal organization that uses violent, predominantly uneducated, abusive and ignorant brutes as a form of entertainment for other uneducated, ignorant brutes who lack the physical prowess to do it themselves. Everyone involved with the NFL ought to be in prison and/or on death row.