Sexiest Misty. Ever.
Sexiest Misty. Ever.
You mean I'll be able to listen to BURRRRN MYYY DREAAAD! on my 3DS? I'm down.
If only they can make a proper HD, Wii U Pokemon RPG and then turn that into a more simpler X/Y type game for the 3DS. Maybe you'll have limited functionality depending on the system you're playing it on but the core game play would be the same. Playing on your Wii U at home, then see it's time to leave. Save your Wii…
I agree, but there's always a way to make do of what's already there. It might be inventive and not the first thing that comes to mind but there are ways to do this properly.
Looks like 3D Dot Games' sprite editor.
I've seen those theories, but the anatomy is quite different. Genesect has an ant-like body with a small torso, and the anatomy of their arms are different. Unless they completely butchered Kabutops Frankenstein-style to make a Genesect, I'm pretty sure it's not a Kabutops.
I wanna see what Genesect looked like before it was turned into a robot by humans..
He looks white mixed with something South East Asian like Indonesian/Filipino, a bit like Rufio. That's a first. Or maybe even something indigenous American. I don't play Far Cry but it would feel nice to not play "X" white/black guy for once, something I can relate to even remotely as a person of color.
You don't exactly have to click or read anything to know that the article is there.. it's on the news feed.
Because I keep hoping that it'll be eventually funny. And it's X-Men. And why not? Am I not allowed to say I don't like something after viewing it? And just like gorey movies, I like things that make me cringe, except Holmes makes me cringe in a bad way :)
But how would we know if something is truly good if we dismiss the bad reviews? Wouldn't that be biased?
How are you then supposed to find out whether something is good or bad if you're just going to dismiss the bad?
His jokes were funny a decade ago. The only way I'd laugh at those jokes is if it were my friends doing the skit and since they're my friends I have to pity-laugh at them. No offense to Holmes but every time I watch these vids I cringe....
Yeah.... let's review this article when the rest of us gets a chance to play it. Not just the lucky few..
I just cleaned my "gaming" laptop last week because it was groaning like someone who smoked 10 packs a day and ran at over 150 degrees (using a temp gun, not the PC's actual temp gauge). Haven't done it before so was a bit apprehensive. I opened him up though and wow, that thing was filthy. At first I just cleaned the…
Did anyone point out that in the presentation trailer, his voice had a filter on it?
I think he's struggling between doing a monotonic robot voice and an AI robotic voice. A filter would help fix all that though.
All they need to do is look at the Justice League Unlimited roster. Vixen would be great, so would Raven, though the latter would be an odd choice as a side character without exploring the Trigon backstory. And since we're on the topic of demand, there needs to be non-white, non-black superheroes in there (Asian,…