I don't see it. Especially considering how androgyny is a thing in Japan. (Not that it's a bad thing.)
I don't see it. Especially considering how androgyny is a thing in Japan. (Not that it's a bad thing.)
They should have expanded the Project Morpheus booth. SMH. Or at least have hot shirtless guys playing it. Better than nothing lol.
Ugh, thank you. I thought I was gonna be the first one to make this type of response. I'd be outraged too. It's like, "Hey, here's my baby, take good care of it." "Wait, what did you do? Why does she look all messed up?!"
Haha, yeah I've heard the Chrom rumors, and I agree, Jigglypuff is a classic, but the question is, is she relevant? The only thing giving me hope are other Mewtwo rumors, and the fact that Sakurai did throw out Mewtwo's name during last year's E3, possibly with one of his new forms.
PS I think you meant 4, not 5 :)
So Mr. Game & Watch is also back in or...?
He can't not be there. I wouldn't even worry.
I'm aware of that. But I'm hoping for a miracle. And I completely forgot about Jigglypuff. She's a fan favorite though. Even less of a chance for Mewtwo. Darn it!
I hope this shows Sakurai what kind of game Smash really is..
Funny, but that guy with the beard was the real d-bag. Glad he lost. Nothing says douche than stalling a match so you can flaunt. Two great players though. Pretty pro for not having too much time with the game. Mechanics must have been improved to be more like Melee.
Mewtwo please.. Mewtwo please...
I hope they make a black and gold style similar to the limited edition Zelda 3DS..
This game looks great, but being compared to Journey, constructive criticism:
- I think the landscapes could use depth. That's what I love about being underwater, that feeling of mystery. And if you're gonna be swimming with giants, it would benefit the overall feel of the game if there was a sort of fogginess to it,…
I'm not seeing much TBH. But I mean, it's politics. Sure it's between gaming corporations but it's still politics. I'm surprised things aren't getting more dirty.
Aw, up until 1:30 I thought it was a Pokemon Snap-type game. The game still looks great but man.. lol.
Doesn't seem like the killing is drawing aggro..?
I saw that article on Facebook and immediately made a response about how their report seemed non-credible. It was a he-said-she-said "source" which seemed so vague it seemed like they just wanted to get attention. Dumb. Hey, I was right! SUCK IT IGN!
I better be able to customize my characters.. because those two stock characters look like their outfits are fixed. I doubt they're gonna take that out considering how enjoyable it was in X/Y but just saying..
Hey if you don't want it, send it my way :)