
Get off my lawn.

There should be a conversation about how much funding is going to these types of cashcow films and shows vs money that could be used to progress our society forwards..?

Seriously, are most white people just immune to the concept of empathy? I feel like with most white people it’s like describing color to a blind person. White people: Invading, Raping, Pillaging and Conquering other people and countries for no reason since the first humans evolved and moved north.

Good job internet, making celebrities out of pieces of shit like this aryan twink.

So a dead Porygon? I thought you guys were gonna go “there”.. As in Mimikyu’s true identity are the ghosts of the kids who died when they watched the Porygon episode. What? Pokemon gets dark. Between Cubone, Shuppet, Drifloon and others? This would not be a surprise.

I think the AAA price is what confused people. But I’m not sure if that justifies shitting on the devs. Does anyone know if it was them who set the price point? Because that sounds more like Sony’s decision.

This doesn’t seem too bad. At least on consoles. Her HP is ok, her missiles aren’t too accurate, it only makes sense that her defensive powers would get a buff, especially since Sombra will be out. And as you can see from the video she eventually falls to the ground.

So basically.. The ancients had the same mindset as Filipinos in terms of color? :P

Wow did you not watch the animated short with the Shimada brothers? Anyway, I do think Genji should only be able to deflect ults while he’s in his ult.

So wait.. The trailer would’ve taken place in an instance of a game that is probably in beta and was on a separate server, right? Wouldn’t that mean the consumer version has yet to produce that specific creature assuming it hasn’t been discovered yet? Technically it’s a possible combination but out of how many chances

Also, how many people do you think are lined up to work for Bungie? I would assume LOTS.

Can we have an article about the secret nerf they did to Symmetra? I have 25 hrs on her and at first it was just a gut feeling but it has been talked about online that there was a nerf to Symmetra’s turrets. If anything she needs a buff and/or better mobility. She’s already “forbidden” on Attack/Escort modes, now they

I believe he’s appropriately called Professor Daddy in done circles.

If anything Symmetra needed a buff. She’s easy to kill and most people only use her in Defense anyway. I honestly don’t get it. KALI-MMETRA WHYTYYYYY

Oh look another blonde haired blue eyed personality that everyone’s going crazy over. Aryans ftw /sarcasm

Yeah it’s a bit misleading. I was expecting fast paced combat. (They really should make the travel mode much faster.) After some getting used to though the game turned into a really fancy (and enjoyable) version of chess. Yes, chess. I guess this is the MOBA genre? This is my first, and I’m really REALLY enjoying it.

Yeah they were “reading” the “articles” alright. With their penis.

Never imagined Drake as a pretty boy, more of a rugged mid-30's guy, but I know of this cosplayer, he’s pretty great.

Just pointing out the unnecessary race profile. We all know Asians are more conservative. (Joke.)