

Me too! This reminds me of that time on The Office when they played a video of Michael Scott as a child telling a puppet that he wanted like a hundred children when he grew up, so that they couldn't say no to being his friend. I wish she had real friends in her life.

Tila Tequila believes she has superpowers and was put on this Earth by God to defeat the reptile devil worshipping Jews. I'm pretty sure she's mentally ill.


OMG. Remember the Aaron-Lindsay-Hilary love triangle?!

And the world is as it should be.

CAN WE PLEASE TALK ABOUT JUSTIN BOBBY?? Stylist...in Nicaragua??? I want more details.

Why is he dressed as a banana? Why is no one discussing the fact that he randomly dressed up as a banana?!? #falseflag

One way to get more comfortable with the weight room before you go is to watch instructional videos on youtube. You can get a leg up on form for free-weights, find a doable starter strength workout plan, and equipment makers like Nautilus have vids showing you how those things work. You'll also feel less intimidated

I can't wait to read the Gwyneth Vanity Fair story tbh. I don't dislike Gwyneth, but that e-mail she sent about this article has definitely peaked my interest.

Well yeah sure, not everyone is equally culpable and one group obviously suffers a lot more than the other. I just really don't like this whole idea of victimhood/abdicating responsibility for the ways in which women enforce Patriarchy or the idea that the REAL problem is that somehow maleness has some kind of

This is a theme that's been revisited and rehashed and commented upon until it's been flattened into a pulp of a concept; upon that pulp, someone rested an iPad and posted a plaintive and soul-searching Facebook status.

I should add that you seriously, actually, really really need to read that article because it is fucking hilarious.

It was well documented that during her nervous breakdown days, Britney was using a british accent very often. I don't think it all started with Will.I.am return from the U.K.

I was thinking "what, that can't be!" as I read your comments... and then I thought through the premieres I've watched recently. CSI? Kidnapping. SVU? Brutal beating & kidnapping. Criminal Minds? Kidnapping and cannibalism. The Mentalist? Physical assault. Geeeeeeez.

I was grinning this entire episode. It was adorable. I really love when Andy has superfan moments on the show, it's really charming. But, I do unabashedly love me some A. Cohen and I know a lot of Jezzies don't.

Jez doesn't do apologies.

Humans, being social animals, are far more predisposed towards being concerned over gossip and tabloid trash then the transcendent issues of existence and science. It's sad but it makes sense when looked at from the position of animal ethology. We are social mammals with a sense of inflated self-importance.