
I didn't start watching it until it was a couple of seasons in and I think that helped me stick with it more. The "OMG mid-century fashion! smoking in offices! drinking at work! slapping secretaries asses!" fans had mostly dried up and blown away by that point leaving behind people actually invested in the characters

This is why in my house, the paper hangs behind the roll to start with.

Apparently in the eternal "Over vs. Under" toilet paper debate, this cat is in the Under camp, and takes it upon himself to fix toilet paper rolls that are installed the other way.

I just want to bathe in her essence. She is looking so good.

"I'm bomb at this on Guitar Hero."

I've always wanted a boyfriend I could <i>parade around</i> - I imagine decorating him with crepe paper and flowers, so he's the prettiest float EVER!

Hey, I recently overheard a preteen girl tell her friend on the subway that "One Direction is our generation's Jonas Brothers," so I don't know anything anymore.

No, I'm a scientist and I actually think that the misuse of antibiotics is a huge public health issue, and along with anti-vaccination idiots, the sort of nonsense that's probably going to end our civilization. But trying to teach the American public science is harder than teaching a dog Cantonese, and so faced with

I did not have sexual relations with that woman. #LiesToldByMales

To be fair, I think there were some females toeing the line on that one, too.

Yeah, but does he recognize the white supremacist, capitalist, colonialist nature of that patriarchal hegemony?

I'm just going to leave this nugget of truth here

While I agree with you, I did see someone say she's not a real "artist" like Erykah Badu which is at least something or other, I guess?

Well, normally I'd agree, but she just made an album out of the blue and 17 music videos, so she can't have that much time.

INORITE. Those T-Straps.

claustrophobic persons HELL. This is a stretchy silver panic attack...

Plus he's fully self-aware, and appears to be a great dad. A great dad who frequently stops Kim's mouth in its tracks, hanging open dumbly for want of a comeback. What's not to like?