
HAHA I can always count on some douche like you making a comment like that. Im not doing large scale repros like this guy but I've done enough art to know that what I said holds true. If the guy made it up, then kudos to him for an amazing minds eye and ability to put it on paper.

Anyone catch the source material? If he just made this up off the top of his head, then it's 100x more impressive than if he's just basically photocopying a picture.

If you're waving it around, unlikely your are going to create a problem. The sky is a big place and planes move through very quickly. It's the people that focus it on planes that are the problem.

Also the Fisher Space Pen co developed the pen with private funds, not taxpayer dollars.

Between Romney's sons and this jackass, i hope to god, allah, the flying spaghetti monster, whoever that I don't have to listen to these bozos for the next four years much less be subject to their Taliban-like attitudes.

They sold these back in the 80's. I doubt they look any better now.

Someone needed to explain to Reagan the definition of a scientific theory.

As someone who has been retouching for many many years I can tell you these changes are SOP, not to mention pretty minor. Changing clothes is par for the course. Why make them pose in multiple garments when all you really need is one pose. All in all these really aren't very scandalous. After all this is exactly what

I don't mind the poor writing, I just wish someone would cut off their supply of free hyperbole.

Only Apple haters say that.

As someone who has worked in advertising, I can understand how this can happen. Comp images make it to final layout stage a lot for various reasons. I don't think there is anything malicious on Apple's part here. If they violated the licensing terms then they need to pay her, although I think it's a bit much for her

This just in... some people have access to shrink wrap machines.

I laughed at your comment, out loud.

By "study it out" that woman means "Glenn Beck's magic chalkboard told me".

So Madonna writes on her back the name of a girl who was shot and that's a "political" message??

Congrats on perpetuating the notion that cards fans are top shelf douchebags.

Thank you. I was getting ready to post the same thought. Good design simplifies and is efficient. This has neither of those qualities.

Does it have NSA-grade back doors?

No because we aren't using the doppler effect to measure those distances.

I wouldn't wish a pile of shit on someone out of spite.