
People make mistakes. I think what I find appalling is people's attitudes toward others who make mistakes. There's such a growing attitude of "fuck em, they made a mistake they deserve to die". I hope if you ever make a critical mistake people aren't as judgmental toward you as you seem to be toward this girl.

In her defense maybe she didn't know it was dangerous or know it was even in the drink. It's not like she broke into a lab and started drinking it from a hose. Can you name the ingredients of every single thing you ingest?

Im not retorting with Falcon 1 explosions. Space travel is dangerous. That's the reality. Groups like NASA have a pretty damn good track record when you take into account how many launches they've pulled off. The shuttle itself had an estimated 2% catastrophic failure rate when it was built. Do the math.

That's an extremely ignorant thing to say. You don't think NASA built redundancy into their systems? Just dumb.

It takes a certain kind of asshole to write a comment like yours.

It makes no sense from an aerodynamic standpoint why they would try to build such a craft. Seems to me they just got swept up in pop culture and thought it was a great idea.

Dear jackass laser pointer users. Quit doing this. They'll be banned and those of us who use them for legitimate purposes.

Facebook should be for friends. If I want networking for job purposes I'll use LinkedIn.

I've been a graphics guy for nearly 20 years now. Every single day I'm at the computer.

I like to look at the night sky, which here is polluted with city light, and think what Pantone chip the sky would be. Trying to look at it objectively, without thinking it's night so it must be near black, I often conclude that the chips would be quite a bit lighter than people would expect.

Been doing this sort of thing for nearly 15 years. I feel your pain. I've been there. FWIW I don't think it looks "wrong". I've seen tons of pics come straight off the camera that look "wrong" just because of perspective, body angle, lighting and shadows. Every idiot thinks they know what's been 'shopped these days.

Am I not seeing the supposed fat person in these pics? I see a normal healthy person.

I turned the sound off and listened to Ticks and Leeches by Tool instead. Made it a much creepier video. Recommended.


These make great warning signals that the occupants of this house have no taste whatsoever.

I looked at these with the Inception soundtrack playing in my mind.

Has anyone posted a reference to Brazil yet?

Give me a list of what they "stole". You can't look at the history with a blanket statement of "they stole everything". And from my knowledge, Steve only ever reiterated Picaso's famous quote "good artists copy, great artists steal".

Because there's a distinct difference between being influenced or using a concept, and just blatantly photocopying. Even Samsung's own internal memos showed they pretty much said do whatever they are doing.

Yes trade dress. It matters. Look at Samsung phones before the iPhone and after (and tablets/iPad too for that matter). If the solution was so obvious, why weren't they doing it before then?