
That pic has been floating around the net for at least a few weeks, at least since Curiosity landed on Mars.

Deliberately stealing someones trade dress to make your product look nearly indistinguishable from someone else's is completely different from taking a general concept and making it into something it was never going to be otherwise. If you are going to keep insisting on bringing those sorts of things up, at least

I used to work at an Apple store many years ago, and we used to joke about tech specs. The joke was, we could tell the customers anything we wanted, and as long as we told them SOMETHING, they'd nod in approval. Im not suggesting we lied to anyone, we didn't we were always forthcoming, I'm just saying that the average

OOOH tilt to zoom!! excuse me while I crush my iPhone with a hammer and buy an S3.

If it's a modified version of Android, probably a different story. It's still Google influencing Acer.

I'm glad Apple hasn't changed the form factor just for the sake of changing it. Change for change sake is not a good design principle. If the design works and if it's aesthetically pleasing, then there's no need to change it just because a few bleeding edge tech people think anything that looks the same after 6 weeks

Still not sure what "This reminds me of the early days of the Mac (80's)" means. Sounds like a vague proclamation that sometimes some things changes at some point.

I'm totally getting the Mobius Strip iPhone 83. I like to skip a few gens anyway.

Jupiter can also redirect space rocks toward the us, so don't think that Jupiter is some sort of cosmic goaltender for the Earth.

These effects are surprisingly good for a film of that era.

Maybe this is one way to finally put to rest the notion that the only reason people buy Macs is because they are "pretty". When people sit down and the same lame user experience confronts them, they may finally figure out the real reason.

Just the fact that my bank account is linked to PayPal, makes me nervous. Seems like nothing is beyond this company.

The word "epic" doesn't do this justice.

Funny how the article (and one other I've read this morning) says it has nothing to do with their legal battles, but that didn't stop you from writing that sophomoric headline.

What the "free market" is capable of continues to be one of the biggest lies ever. It can set price points, and that's about it. Using it as a one-stop-shop answer for everything is a thinly veiled attempt to let corporations do whatever they want without impunity.

For a generation that wants everything for free, $10 is a freaking fortune.

Alternate headline: The one moment in his career Brent Musburger wasn't completely annoying.

Perhaps you're kinda missing the point of the space program.

I'm annoyed with stars who don't use their full name. Just be yourself and quit with the nonsense.