You remind me of a guy that once tried to hire me to draw a caricature of a friend for him.
You remind me of a guy that once tried to hire me to draw a caricature of a friend for him.
Most of the people who would be skeptical of these findings probably wouldn't notice those errors to begin with.
iMessage needs help badly, the least of which is this security thing. The whole UI needs to be revised.
I find it ironic you spelled it wrong.
You must be a real joy at parties.
If the power goes out regionally I'd like to take this opportunity to encourage anyone in a light polluted area to use it as an opportunity to go outside and look up at the Milky Way. One of the sad casualties of modern society.
Let me understand this... a gadget blog that caters to a lot of do-it-yourself gadget freaks is complaining if Apple changes the connector of the iPhone then a one-off customized speaker will be obsolete?
But, that's where the fun is.
"Therapik's website certainly doesn't help the "there's no way this isn't BS" factor."
Well at least he admits the Ryan plan is enough of a train wreck for Romney to try and distance himself from. Except he isn't.
So averaging a little over 2 deaths per year for the last 50 years...everybody panic.!!! You have a greater chance of getting run over by someone texting while driving.
OSX and iOS are not going to merge. Sure there will be overlap but there's no amount of wishful thinking that's going to make a desktop computer into a good touch user experience. OS.
R-rated = X-rated when run through the Gawker Sites Hyperbole Amplifier.
I've got a 4S and I get great battery life from it. No complaints.
One more step down the road to idiocracy.
Funny how the level of outrage about this is so muted compared to the similar story about Apple a few months back.
Actually, yeah, it seems they do. Sorry to ruin your piss-on-Apple party.
You sound mad.
Hyperbole. You forgot to add unrestrained hyperbole to that list.
I would think a math book should be at the top of the list.