Evie Havok

I’m female, fyi.

Why must the White girl/woman always be believed? Why is it assumed that they are always telling the truth?

The things that White women/girls get away with are astounding. No wonder White women are so entitled and oblivious yet they have the gall to complain about sexism but have no problem dishing out racism.

This is why I will never get married. Fuck that and fuck the BS that men bring into their relationships.

Lol. Sure buddy.

Test. Test.

Test. Test.

Lol. This is why I generally ignore the existence of old White people because they tend to be racist (and sexist) trash bags. If you’ve lived through segregation and you’re White, I’ll just assume you hold some questionable beliefs about people of color. I would have just called her crazy and laughed my ass off while

The only thing that confuses me about the Jennifer Beals item is that she drives a Ford Escape. That’s sad.

I feel pretty great. I trudged through and survived the BS that I’ve been given. That’s why I’m still here to enjoy the little that I’ve managed to procure.

Yeah, pretty sure it’s because of bad coping mechanisms. This is what happens when everyone kisses your ass and repeatedly tells you how awesome and smart you are. You then you find out there’s a world of people smarter, prettier, and better than you are and can’t handle that. These are the types of suicides that get

We all need to resign ourselves to the fact that we’re going to end up with someone of similar attractiveness/beauty no matter what any study says.

Tavi Gevinson wrote for Jezebel when she was 16 or so for a week. They used to talk about her a lot on here when Jenna Sauers was still here. She made a crack about BET and people got mad. She’s the founder of Rookie.

Isn’t what Atticus becomes (a scared, raging racist) the future of all liberal Whites? This is something common in my experience. As I’ve aged into my mid-twenties, I’ve seen people age into middle-age (40s-50s) and devolve into God-worshipping, fearful racists. These are people that I met as a teenager who were in

I watched the video and it felt kind of fake. Even when she thinks she’s dying, she still has that whiny tone of voice.

You won’t get through to these people.

Yes, thank you for providing this community service. Why are you doing this?

We’re not the same race. We belong to the same ethnic category (Latino).

Please get off my tits already. I get it, you don’t like me.