Who knows.
Who knows.
Why are you insulting me? Because I said White Latinos and ethnic-looking Latinos don’t have the same experiences. Ok.
Yes, thank you. I hope she and her sycophants read your comment.
Lol. You must be White Latino. They love using that word against the ethnic Latinos.
Yes they are. They think they’re not but they’re totally wrong about that.
Your claim that you’ve received more blatant racism than people with actually darker skin is insulting and untrue.
That racism wasn’t aimed towards you, though. It was aimed towards visibly ethnic Hispanics (I am one of those) that have it infinitely worse than you ever will.
I always did feel a tad bit sorry for her because she looks so much older than she is. I remember watching her show when she was 19 and she looked at least 27 at that time. It’s hard looking older than you are.
Seriously, some of these White female commenters are the woooorst.
These women represent the two things I distrust the most: Whiteness and privilege. I’m not going to budge on my dislike for them just because they are suing the police (another group of assholes that needs to be taken down).
Kinja wonkiness. It didn’t appear until I had already posted my comment.
Does experience with said rich kids count to you (10 years of private school + college/grad school has given me a good meter on how to judge these people)? Or not? I’m usually pretty much right with my assumptions.
Lol. Isn’t this how it already works in the present?
Yasss! The only people this girl is a hero to is to her fellow privileged White feminists.
I think I’m alright with saying that I agree with your statement. I don’t know if BabyGotFront agrees with it.
Yes, I like the part where they sue the police. That doesn’t mean I have to like them, specifically. I didn’t say they did a bad thing.
Even the mother knows it : “White, privileged, pretty, and outspoken.” Bonjean noted.
Yeah, I hope it’s alright for me to not like any of these people. Blrgh.
Of course she’s been fired. Even the school district isn’t that stupid.