
I’d have had no problem pulling the proverbial lever for Bernie. At all. Not one iota.

Good on him. Israel has every right to exist but no right to be an apartheid state.

I think you’re ruining it with this crude warning showing up first in the comments.

I’ll be more succinct than the other people already dragging you.
You’re a fucking idiot.

Refutation of point 1:

No, it’s gonna be a base-building battle royale where the combat is turn based riddles

Sounds like you’re being a spoiled child about other people’s opinions.

1st step: Get a ship.

What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.

Toney said if people have issues with how Clingo did his job, they should contact Kroger.

The “no evidence it was Russia” in the election meddling bit is a lie, one peddled quite frequently on the far-right, though even they’ve let that particular bit of idiocy die out for the most part.

Horseshit. The relations are already bad, what you’re advocating for is utter stupidity mixed with some outright lies and some whataboutism. Piss off.

For Brutus is an honorable man;

Boell Oyino is a character designer and illustrator based in France who has worked in both video games and animation.

OK but what the fuck is shaping this goon’s mind?

Ta-da~! For anyone who’s actually waiting. lol

Yes, it would have been better.

Seriously. “Ohhhhh Hillary’s steps to deal with a sexual harassment claim weren’t as thorough as our 20/20 hindsight demands! All good feminists must now shun her! Also, Bernie would have executed him in the public square as a TRUE WOMEN CHAMPION.”

Terrible. We should impeach her. Oh, wait.