
The question is, will it have co-op?

I thought the general consensus of the community was that the original TTK was one of the good features(?) BF5 got right on launch.
Either way, the change to lower the damage(affected by distance as well if I recall correctly) and make everyone a sponge made no sense if it was meant to help new players. Specially when

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Maybe they have the same situation as in Florida with a lobbying organization pretty much writing and telling the reps what to do.

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If is anything like in Florida, the NRA is probably writing the laws for their representatives.

It was the plan all along by the tangerine to do nothing. It really does not matter to him if something is done, he will blame it on congress not caring. After all he ended the program with no plan. And his base could care less if the dreamers get deported, and will just shrug as they are hunted down.

I keep reading this evolving excuse ‘she was a bad candidate’ that has allowed folks to rid themselves of any responsibility as voter for the current state of affairs. Clinton had a plan whether you did or did not get off your lazy ass to research that did not involve a stupid wall. There was a disconnect that cuts

Nah, there two choices at the end, and I personally decided she was the better of the two considering the bs going in now.

Is a short bullshit deal with long bullshit consequences since they want to eliminate legal immigration. People will still still come by any means, as it does not change the reality that people can and will survive under the radar.

Let me break it down and see if I can understand this bs....

Azar held the position of Health and Human Services Secretary in 2001-2007. Does anyone have any info regarding his tenure during the Bush era? Because that would be a better indicator of what he will do.

Also the GOP in 2013 didn’t get shit after the shutdown.

ProPublica on Sept 2017 reported that although crossing have gone down over the years, but death have remain constant.

so.. this how the world ends.

Not picture is Bannon feeding this idiot the lines.

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Vice did a panel recently on why people will vote for Moore.

And remember folks, the Russian government is our friend.

Just like trickle down econimics is bullshit, don’t expect change from he top any time soon. Is all gonna be a hard struggle from the button up.

This teacher shouldn’t work with any kids, they knew damn well what they were doing if they chose social studies as their field.

NFL rating go down, watch the tangerine take all the thunder and make it about how he did it, and switch the subject as he has. >=\

It seems these are “knock and talk” encounters as stated in the Phoenix New Times by ICE spokesperson Yasmeen Pitts O’Keefe in a weasel way to say it legal if we happen to run into someone since they seemed to have had nothing other than being undocumented on these folks. But to the point...”Knock and talk” is “an