Oh yeah see it figures he would talk about it some, I do wish that had been in this article. Either way I'm looking forward to seeing how such a creative group of developers chooses to handle it.
Oh yeah see it figures he would talk about it some, I do wish that had been in this article. Either way I'm looking forward to seeing how such a creative group of developers chooses to handle it.
I don't know if I'd call it 'ugly'. In the real world I'm not too worried if a few dudes decide that they don't want to create babies. There are plenty of babies out there already.
Hah yes the nebula missions were a lot of fun. Another great moment was when you do a couple missions for the black ops guys in their special ship, and that one mission starts with your commander immediately screaming at you to 'dive! dive!' because you just jumped in about 10 feet in front of a juggernaut. I honestly…
Oh man, and when you hear those capital ship beams charge up, then they make a noise like a metal grinder big enough to take down a sky scraper? Then you get nailed by one and your whole ship gets tossed around like a little toy. Even when they miss, you can still see them arcing through the air around you and your…
Exactly! Imagine if it were like Far Cry 3, and started blaring 'RETURN TO MISSION AREA' on your screen, forcing you to go through the jump gate. Total buzzkill. But nope, I got to go down in a huge blaze of glory, entirely of my own choice, and the game was all 'k thats cool here's a neat ending for you!'
DAMN that game was good. It amazed me that it sold so poorly, and I totally blame it on marketing. I am in no way a space sim nerd (played it with a mouse/keyboard, I didn't even own a joystick), and at the time I played it I wasn't even much of a Sci-Fi nerd. I just bought it because it got a good review and looked…
Interesting point. I don't recall every detail of the kickstarter vid, but I seem to remember them talking about how you could 'breed' your heroes, and over time create hero-tastic bloodlines. Just on face value, it seems like homosexuality would be an inherent disadvantage because the hero might be rather reluctant…
As a wonky 5870 owner myself, I feel your pain. Fast card, but 2.5 years of driver issues has driven me nuts. But I find myself hating on AMD more than hating on individual developers. I've read that how well a game works on a given company's drivers has a lot to do with how well the game developers and the card…
Yeah some people would have issues (I learned in a discussion with a brick wall I had a few months ago on this same website), but it is still just a semantic distinction.
Little known fact: that was part of Debussy's original composition, but he took it out at the last minute. Sony added it back in as Debussy fanservice.
Yeah BI is still doing a lot of work on the helicopter pilot AI. At this point, every bug ticket I've submitted has been on the subject. You should see them try to engage in combat. At first, the AI's attempts to keep low to the ground caused them to run into hills or trees the second they went into 'aggressive' mode.…
Absolutely. If you're stuck sitting for long hours, the recommendation is to try to get up and spend a couple minutes walking around at least every couple hours.
... it isn't really something aimed at folks that spend all day on their feet. If you're already standing quite a bit during the day then... problem solved! For people off their feet all day though, it can be a life-saver in the most literal sense of the term.
Moving it to the floor won't help. I'm not an expert but I imagine that the Japanese don't spent hours in that position. Isn't it more of a meal-time or relaxing sort of thing, rather than a work-station sort of thing?
How is the stability? I got a similar mount for my bedroom TV a couple years ago, and while it's decent... it isn't great. There's just enough wobble in the final pivot joint that the TV drops a couple degrees, and it makes adjusting it kind of hard (you have to angle the TV higher than you want, so that when it drops…
Who said anything about Chicken? I eat my chicken mostly raw, just like everyone else. That is normal... isn't it?
I totally agree with you that it'd be better than what you buy at the store.
Actraiser 2 Cons: no worldmap view strategy, which is a huge knock against it.
Do you wear a seat belt? You can get by just fine without one... the large majority of the time!
And for the love of not-getting-diarrhea, please get those burgers medium-well done.