
Yeah I guess it seems more like SWTOR’s model is more in line with the old fashioned game demo. You get a severely restricted version of the game for free, and if you like it you can pay. After playing a few F2P and non-subscription MMOs, it took me by surprise.

SWTOR was so money hungry towards the F2P experience it was almost insulting. I gave it maybe two days worth of play, and eventually quit after the fourth or fifth mission whose reward was a box I couldn’t open until I became a subscriber. It was so obnoxious that every damned thing in that game had a blaring ‘PAY

Has it been released to the public server since then? I don’t exactly check back on it constantly, and I only occasionally get emails from Funcom on the subject. The pictures in the latest email announcing this big patch looked just like the old graphics engine.

I’ve been waiting years for them to follow through with the graphics engine overhaul, and promised that when they did I would reactivate my ancient account (I started at release, absolutely loved it, and played until maybe 2004 or so) and level up a new character. I don’t think its ever going to happen though. I’m

So it looks like they went back to the physics of DS1 rather than DS2. DS1 had hilarious floppy corpse physics... there were some areas (the fat fire breathing bugs in blight town I remember most) where after killing three or four, you could roll through them, their limbs would stick to you and then they'd catapult

I just finished a second full run through the game last week, co-op'd it with a friend. With it this fresh in my mind, I can't believe how well he managed to fit everything together. There are only a couple obvious bits I can see that don't go quite where they should... but that is a really damned cool map.

Your note about the need for a time speed-up button in HW1 is totally true, it's been driving me crazy how slow resource gathering is after a mission ends, not to mention how the big HYPERSPACE button is in the middle of the screen the whole time. Sure the game auto-gathers for you when you enter hyperspace, but then

I might have to give it another try in sandbox mode later then. From what I remember in the first 30 minutes I played of story mode, I landed on a planet, which involved pointing my ship at it and heading towards it at top speed for what felt like at least 3 or 4 minutes. Then being ordered to dock with another ship's

I bought starpoint gemini 2 a while back, played for an hour, and uninstalled it. The first hour made such a terrible impression, I can't figure out why there are any good reviews of the game at all.

So good that I uninstalled it halfway through the game.

I had been waiting for a couple weeks for a fix to the multiplayer (which is fun in theory, but so unbelievably buggy it's kind of embarrassing for the programmers), and just by glancing at the forums it looked like the patch made things worse than better. So I decided I would keep the multiplayer shelved, and go back

For just a moment, I thought you were going to refer to why this year, alone among all the flu shots I've received, I felt like my arm around the injection site had been hit repeatedly by a fist for two days after receiving the shot. I was really hoping there was some interesting reason for it rather than the nurse

I just played AC2 a few weeks ago, and I wish they would have warned me the QTEs were coming up. Most cutscenes didn't have one, then they'd just randomly throw one in there, with a pretty short timer. The worst was when Leonardo goes in for a hug... it was a longish cutscene and my hands were just resting on the

I'm a huge FF fan, and a huge MMO player, but FFXIV was pretty boring. I put in a few weeks of work but could just never quite get into it. The mechanics all feel extremely old by current MMO standards. The combat was slow, the fetch quests were tedious, and there were all kinds of unintuitive little issues with the

Yep. The best, hands down, no contest.

Oh awesome. I got the Reeve but never the Orma. I had no idea they worked that way when used together.

PvP in Dark Souls is done by invading the world of another person and attempting to kill them (they may be waiting for invasions and thus looking for pvp, or they may be just playing through a zone with no intent to pvp, no way of knowing until you've invaded). The guy who made this video invaded someone who was named

The ending was the worst part. I played a few hours of the game a year ago, and quit in boredom. A couple months back I reinstalled it and started up where I left off. I felt like I had quite a bit left to go, then suddenly the game ended maybe 90 minutes of play later. It was so abrupt and underwhelming, I had a hard

The shooting felt good with a couple weapons, notably the shotgun. True to id style.

This gif thread is probably the most impressive demo of how great google fiber is since I had it installed a few months ago.